Colorado Chapter of JEEPZ.COM

Latest update (from an email titled "latest update" from mudwoman):

I talked to Erin This morning.

There was no bleeding and Lindsay did not have a stroke- both possiblilities in a surgery like this.

The doctor says it doesn't matter what the pathology is because he got it all- he isn't concerned whether it's a cancerous tumor or not.

They are trying to get Lindsay to eat and once she tolerates broth she can have whatever her big ole heart desires.

They are going to get her up today.

We are leaving this afternoon and at this time planning on being back here on Sunday.

We love you all and are so grateful you have chosen to be the hands and feet of Jesus.


That's great news! Will still keep prayers coming for a speedy recovery - and prayers for the family as well. Take care bro'.

To all those who were following this thread:

My apologies to all (and John Prine and Emmy Lou) for not hooking up, but...........we heard the magic words!!!!!!.............BENIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life IS good, thank you all for your prayers, and God bless you all!!!!!
well, We Got A Phone Call Today.......from Another Son Back Home (the Nc Mountains). His 6 Year Old Daughter Has Been Diagnosed With A Tumor On The Cerebelum. Surgery Scheduled For Tuesday. He Needs Someone There (3 Other Kids, 1, 8, And 9 Or There Abouts And Both Of The Parents Work). Mudwoman Is Flying Out Sunday (soon As We Could Get) And Will Be Staying 'til Whenever. Needless To Say, I Think The "meet And Greet" Or Whatever Great Time That Was Going To Happen Will Not Happen At This Time. All Prayers Are Appreciated. We'll Get Together Sometime, Trust Me.

The Muds

Oh My Gosh! So Glad All Is Okay!