CJ6 Project


New member
Ended up with my first "old" jeep project and looking for some info/advice.

Mainly wondering if the tub floors are bad if it is better to move to a fiberglass body and if the top on this thing is worth fixing......


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The answers to both questions depend on a few things...
What is your planned use when the project is "done"? I don't think that top is very common,so it may be woth something if you choose to go to a soft top. If you're planning on a DD, you may want to keep the hard top for security etc....
As for the floor boards....the Jeep looks pretty solid in the picture.If it is original or patched well previously I would keep the body & patch the floor. A new body is pricey & a big job.
I've replaced almost entire floors on old Jeeps that were otherwise solid.
Hope that helps....let us know what you decide & how it works out. Oh & by the way....welcome to Jeepz!!
Thanks for the info Tom.....do you have a good source for the floor parts or is it pretty much a make your own floor kind of deal? I have a small lincoln mig welder and done a few light fab projects so hopefully something I can tackle. Anything to watch out for on the floors? I think they tub is pretty solid on the sides and in the back. rear floor looks ok....but the front is pretty much gone. From what I can see the front 4 body mount locations on the tub are rotten.
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First of all, I was just tellin' a buddy how much I like the looks of a CJ6. The new JP magazine has a project CJ6 they're deciding how to build it. They're not that common, didn't make very many. That being said, that top wouldn't be easy to come by i'd definitely fix it if it were me. I may be wrong but i don't think they make a fiberglass tub for a 6, if they do I haven't seen it. Jeeps aren't bad when it comes to body repair. Be sure to use shileding gas like 75/25 argon mix and not flux core wire when welding in the pannels. Flux gets trapped in the weld and causes rust, it also takes more amperage to weld with flux core, therfore more heat which leads to warpage in the pannel. You can get replacement pannels from Quadratech, 4wd hardware, J.C. Whitney, ebay it'd be cheaper and easier to buy 'em made than buy sheet metal and try to make 'em. Plus you'll save a ton of time. Good looking Jeep you got there, good luck with it.

Thanks for the info.....I really appreciate it. I am going to try to cut back the bad spots and remove someone's fiberglass patch and see what I am dealing with. Hopefully spend some time sourcing the parts also and find someone weld it all back together as I think that might be past my welding abilities.....especially the top! Would like to do it right this time and only have to do it once.:-) Thanks again for the response!
On the floors, I did my first total floor replacment on my current jeep and couldnt be happier. I cut out about 3/4 of the front floor boards (because they werent completly gone) leaving about a 1/2" lip for the new metal to sit on and weld to. In the back I cut out the whole floor leaving the 1/2" lip for the new floor to sit on. I got the metal at tractor supply and from my uncle who owns a metal shop. I think I used 1/8" metal instead of 1/16" that was original. I love the finished result, it looks like brand new and is way more solid than before. I too used a small welder, worked great.

Sheet metal has really took a leap in price over the years. I bought a full sheet to do some work on the very rusty Scrambler I have. I got it through the company I work for (should have been a discount, didn't seem to be) I gave $96 bucks for a sheet of 18gauge I think it was like 96x120. Well I bought the quarter pannels for my CJ5 from Quadratech for $55 bucks a piece already formed and stamped out. If you layed both pannels on that sheet, yes you could have cut them out and had a few scraps left but not much. Unless you have a "buddy" or access to sheet metal your better off buying the pannels preformed. Lowes and Home Depot will rape you on small pieces. I had to make the inner quarter and some braces on my CJ5. I was able to use some cast off pieces from a project at work and it saved me quite a bit. The only reason I bought the Sheet for the Scrambler. I know a fab guy that is very talented, he offered to roll the bed floor for the Scrambler for me. That pannel alone sells for over $450bucks, so it was worth it.