christmas shopping

MikeB said:
As a fellow Canadian, You cant go wrong with a case of Beer. thats the best gift money can buy (for any Canadian guy anyway)

Now that's where I wouldn't make a good Canadian....I don't like beer, I don't drink beer.
TerryMason said:
My first concert was Gerardo (you know - ...Rico...Suave) at the local amusement park. I guess that wasn't the turning point in my life which converted me from loser to absolute stud. I should stop typing now.

Ummm... I don't know that seeing Gerardo got you on your way to manhood, but having the cajones to put it on a public forum certain does. :D

My first concert was Fleetwood Mac. My father was cool enough to take me...they are/ were one of my favorites.

As for a Xmas gift, I'd have to think a puppet show with your toes (as seen in your sig) should suffice. I'd pay for a webcast of that one!

mingez said:
As for a Xmas gift, I'd have to think a puppet show with your toes (as seen in your sig) should suffice. I'd pay for a webcast of that one!

Heck yeah!!!:purple:

My first concert was Journey. Michael Stanley Band opened for them. September 11th, 1979, Henry Levitt Arena (now Koch Arena) in Wichita. I was a freshman in high school and went with my two older brothers.