Can we make an 8 page post JUST about JEEPS?????

that was way weak sully

yea sparky they light stuff up pretty nicely

the triangular headlights are a photo shop thing. go to the for sale forum and check out the "1990 YJ for sale" or something like that. it explains everything and i believe mingez plans to take off the bra
Hey you blew my multipost. Psh now I have to start all over. JK I was going to make the last one.


jeepmaster said:
that was way weak sully

yea sparky they light stuff up pretty nicely

the triangular headlights are a photo shop thing. go to the for sale forum and check out the "1990 YJ for sale" or something like that. it explains everything and i believe mingez plans to take off the bra

Mingez wears a bra? :shock:
First good mudhole and that thing'll be off of there for sure. Can you imagine cleaning that thing all the time? :shock:

geez guys, yer cheatin!

Well I got the front end of the lift done tonight after work. Went pretty well thanks to a set of spring compressors from auto zone and a tip on putting the compressors on while the suspension was jacked up (Who was that, Bounty?) Good tip, saved alot of time. Also worked in reverse when installing the new coil springs.

Rear tomoorow, as well as pics, haven't heard back about the tire trade deal, maybe he had another deal going. Oh well, ya know what they say - if it seems too good to be true, it probably is :(
This is a funny thread.
Multiposting is awesome.... on this thread. We should make this: "The thread that never ends.." Hee hehehehehe. You got me Tug, but really, I didn't feel like editing my first one to quote each person and respond to that specifiic post. I tell you what... you reply to this post, and I'll reply to your reply. Then we can talk about replying. :mrgreen:
(Yeah, I know that's a faux pas)

I only wear a "Manzier" no bras. Those are for sissies. No Moobs on this fine physical specimen. 8)

Joopin' ... Ha hahahaha gotcha with my photo slopped triangle headlights!!

As for the Jeep, I am worried about getting the paperwork done. We'll see, and I'll keep you posted!!
6 pages ain't nothin'! At the geocaching forums, we've got a topic there that just hit 914 pages, 50 posts per page!!! And it's only been going for just under a year!

As for the Jeep thing...hmmm...oh, yeah! I ordered a set of sound wedges yesterday for the YJ. I'll be putting some Pioneer 3 or 4 way 6x9 speakers in them. I start a new job Monday, so it's good news and bad. Good news is I'll have more money for mods, bad news is I'll have less time to enjoy them!

Sparky-Watts said:
6 pages ain't nothin'! At the geocaching forums, we've got a topic there that just hit 914 pages, 50 posts per page!!! And it's only been going for just under a year!

Sounds like they need a couple of better moderators. How the heck could you follow that one!?!??!?!