Can we make an 8 page post JUST about JEEPS?????

I did a TJ flare swap, just bought some Off Your Rocker rocker guards (that Dan Duffy really is a great guy) and am going to either swap in 4cyl axles or regear. Pretty soon I am replacing my 2.5 inch lift with a BDS 3.5 and stepping up to 35's from 33's. We just herculined my gals YJ and put 31's with TJ flares on it, she will be getting my 2.5 inch lift. And in my dreams I am doing alot more.
(((((((MINGEZ and my other JEEPZ friends))))))) Gawd, the cheesy online hug thing. LOL Haven't done that in months.

I think you all brought the light of intellegence (sp) to my day! TC-your totally right, the U.S. is charged with politics lately with the elections. I've been watching the dem convention lately myself. Haven't EVER watched any convention but am feeling old and thought I'd try it some year instead of feigning innocense at conversations.

Mingez, also so true that the gen board is for everything good and bad that is going on in our jeeper lives. How can I forget how supportive you all were of my peeper and my neices incident? TC-it thrills me that you've gotten preggo again. I'm scared to death of large families myself but I can tell your one of the few in the world that will raise a true honest to god family and maintain that for years to come. The world needs people like you.

Purply-I am SO proud of you g/f! I got all tingly reading your post about your education. I strongly believe in a higher education for ALL who are willing to go the distance to get it. I'm looking at my bachelors myself and trying to decide what to get it in. Education is no easy task admist working, raising a family, etc. these days. Keep your head high that you have acheived what you have thus far.

Mingez- I am learning spanish. I learned it for a year in high school and adored it. I always wanted to further it and am signed up for a service oriented class this fall for one of my jobs. I've started reading up on it myself. I love it! BTW, your so kind in your post AND open minded too! You dating? LOL You know I love my men open minded and kind hearted. JUST KIDDING! lol

I think I"m bummed lately myself on Jeepz tennesee not working out, me not being at paragon lately, and just not wheeling at all. Just a bit of everything.

Love my JEEPZ friends! Ya'll rock! Now, I'm getting offline cuz a HUGE storm is here and lightening is surrounding me like the fires of hell! C ya for now!

A Wiser and more Understanding Lady *(who STILL has no patience :lol: )

Well I lost my post so I will start over but give you the readers digest version.

Lots happening new house, new baby, new job, new state. I work for the Idaho Traspertation Department so Cash is tight (mud4feet that is a funny description. In my surveying class my teacher told us about one in Utah in the desert that ride a horse dues south at a walk, after smoking 15 cigarettes turn east and smoke 5 more. it was pretty funny but I can't remember it to well.

Graduated with an AS in Drafting (Purple good job and keep it up. It took me till I was 27 to get my AS but it was worth it.)

Not much with the Jeep other than it is my daily driver now that I blew up the transmission in my blazer, besides now work is only 1 mile away if that. We will be fixing the trans and getting rid of my wife car so we can get back to a 2 car family again and hopefully save some cash.

Well It looks like I have been missing out on this post...

The Ol' Stomper is needing some attention of course. Last week I just finished welding in a new DS floorpan and re-Herculining both front floor pans... can't even tell I cut out the rusted one and put in a new one! Anyhow, the biggest thing the Stomper needs is a new exhaust: It's got 2 cracks in the manifold (that I can see) the O2 sensor is broken off (from 1 1/2 ago) the cat is rusted and falling apart, the muffler isn't even attached to either pipe and is just hangin there somehow, and to top it all off I got the old coat hanger holding up the tail pipe. So I will be investing in a FULL STAINLESS exhaust. Probably a Banks header and downpipe, a Catco cat, not sure about the muffler, and I'll finish off the tail pipe. All this and I am finally getting the 67 mustang fixed soon. But thats another project...
Jeep related, not much going on. I got the leak fixed so no more wet floors when it rains, except last week when my wife went to pick up a friend at the airport and then went out to dinner with the top down and the heavens opened up. They were soaked when they got home but at least they were laughing. My 2 year old daughter loves the Jeep so I bought a car seat for it. I started her off with the top up and the windows off but it was too windy for her, so we only take her in it if the top and windows are on. And that's not very often. :D

Job wise, no job yet but I haven't been looking. I quit my sales job in March because I was promised a position in management over a year ago and it never happened. I couldn't stand sales. I was on the phone, in front of a computer ALL day long. It's not easy selling commercial vans and busses over the phone.

I am in school at New Horizons which is a computer training center that a lot of corporations send their employees to for training. I've already got my A+ certification and am currently in night classes for my Network+ certification. Next is Security+, MCSE, Cisco, Novell and others. I figure I'll start looking for a job after this next certification so I can start getting experience.

So, no new Jeep toys or mods until I at least have a job. Sounds like a good plan, right?
Wow, how I wish I was in school again! I've been out since '95. I graduated high school in '83, and piddled around working a few years, then went to college. Spent 7 years there, not really knowing what I wanted. Ended up taking a 14 month course to become a paramedic. Best of luck to all of you still in school!!!

Hey, Lady!!! We're halfway to 8 pages!!!!!

Found a guy (NAXJA) with a set of 31" BFG AT's (like new). He's looking to trade for a stock size tire in newer condition. I'm working on a deal to trade even up his 31's for the 222/75/15 BFG Long Trails on my XJ. He's in NJ and we'll probably meet half way.

We may swap wheels too, I have the "grizzly" wheels and he has stock polished aluminum wheels. Not sure on that one though.

That will save me some money! :D
YJ air restrictor removal mod

Some of you already know this, but I am buying a YJ. Assuming we can get the $/title stuff settled.


Congrats on 2 things!! Being brave enough to get an education! (You should be proud of yourself.) And being cool enough to get a TJ!! I didn't even know that was in your future.

LadyJeepFreak said:

BTW, your so kind in your post AND open minded too! You dating? LOL You know I love my men open minded and kind hearted. JUST KIDDING! lol

Awwwww.. I bet you say that to all the guys! Heeheehehehheehe :lol:
Non Jeep but GMC 350 problem!

mingez said:
Some of you already know this, but I am buying a YJ. Assuming we can get the $/title stuff settled.


Did I miss something? What's the deal with the Triangular Headlignts? Is that bra for real? If so, I want one...... FOR ME TO POOP ON!

sorry just had to