Brakes and transimission questions.....


New member
Ok, I finally will admit it. I can't get the rear drums off of my 95 YJ. Is there a trick? Yes, I took the wheels off and even released the e-brake. BUt I can't pull the darn drums off. HELP!!!! :x

Also, my transmission grinds a little bit, going into 2nd and only 2nd. Could this be the forks and synchros? I changed the gear oil and it helped a little, but when it warms up, it does it a little more.

I dunno what to tell you about the breaks,but your transmission questions answer will most likely be the synchros. Mine started going out a few months ago, in the same gear. My transmission works pretty good , inspite of this little problem. I won't be replacing it for a while.-al
Which fluid is currently in your transmission?

Pull the rubber plug from the base of the backing plate on the drums, and make sure the star adjuster is turned so it pulls the brake shoes as far from the drum as possible. Then it's just a matter of getting the drum unfrozen from the hub. A little heat from a LP bottle on the drum around the hub may help, or PB Blaster around the hub and some precision whacks with a BFH.
I had a heck of a time getting the drums off my CJ. They were rusted on there good. I ended up using a hammer and giving it a few hits around the edge to loosen it up. If you think you are going to re-use the drums don't hit them too hard so you don't warp them.

I will usually hit the front, and back with the hammer then tap around. My theory is that it moves the shoes in a little, and breaks up the rust. I am not sure it this is correct of not but it always works.
i'm with bounty.... loosen the shoes away from the drum before trying anything... otherwise you'll end up pulling the internals with the drum and may break something
there is a quicker way to release the shoes from the drums.........release them from the backing plate! a mechanics trick is to pull the two hold down spring pins through the backing plate and cut them with sidecutters, releasing the shoes and allowing them to move more freely inside the drum. by all accounts a new hardware package is only a couple of bucks and is well worth the replacement value it provides. springs and adjusters that function properly are of paramount importance to the servo application characteristics of a drum brake system. :lol:

that sounds like it would work well, newbie LBR
I can suggest lots and lots of PB blaster. When I replaced them last year in my CJ i don't think the one had ever been off before. The one came right off I think it was the one the previous owner's inspection place took off every year. I know they are supposed to switch off but I have to break my drum into 4 pieces to get it off. It was locked on around the hub. it was quit a mess. If you can start hitting it will blaster a couple days before you are going to take it apart it should help alot. I started doing that since then and everything just comes right apart. Even My axle ubolts and I know those were original from 82.
What I did for my Transmission that was grinding in Second was to flush her out.

Put your Jeep up on jack stands. (Rear only is fine)
Drain your Transmission fluid. Clean any metal shavings you find off the magnet.
replace the drain plug.
Re-fill with (I figure I will get hella responses for this) Automatic Transmition fluid. ( more Detergents and thinner for flushing)
Replug the fill hole.
Crank her up and let her run in 1st or second gear for about 3 min (to get all the fluid running in the transmission.
Drain her again.
Is the Fluid clean? (yes) Refill with gear-oil of choice (no) repeat previous steps untill clean (can be costly so use the cheapest auto-transmission fluid you can find.)
Finally, fill with Gear oil of choice and let yourself feel the butter that was once on your transmission.

newbie said:
there is a quicker way to release the shoes from the drums.........release them from the backing plate! a mechanics trick is to pull the two hold down spring pins through the backing plate and cut them with sidecutters, releasing the shoes and allowing them to move more freely inside the drum.
Can't you just spin the ends of the pins with a pair of pliers, allowing the pins to slip through the backing plate?

try taking out your shifter and check for those little spacers under the ball ...2nd went out on me before so i pulled the whole thing and let it sit up for about 6 mo. before i realized that all i needed was the $20 parts that had wore out ... my shifter was sitting too low in the trans and couldnt catch the gears ...