brake system warning lights coming on...


Active member

well my brake system is throwing a code. it seems that when i start my car first thing in the morning, the brake light comes on as well as the 'check abs' light... the fluid seems fine, and the brakes work well too... (btw, the ebrake is always off)

something makes me thing something is loosing pressure and every time the car starts something up front makes a pulsating/pumping noise... and then it stops after about a minute, and then the brake warning lights go off. what should i check here... is something leaking? i've snooped around with a light and couldn't see anything loose, all the brake lines look intact, etc...

1990 cherokee limited w/ABS...[addsig]


The brake light and ABS light will stay on for 3-5 seconds after starting. If it is longer than that, see if you can get the ABS codes scanned. Probably any service shop should have an ABS scanner.[addsig]

yeah it usually stays on for about 45 seconds to a minute... i'll check at a shop, thanks...[addsig]

ok... more information now... maybe this'll help nail the problem down. when i was backing out of my driveway i went to slow down to put it in drive, and the brakes just didn't work so i had to throw it in drive to keep it from hitting the garage. then i went forward and tried them going forward, and they still didn't work... so i put it in park and waited for these little warning lights to go away and then i tried the same thing... and the brakes worked this time. weird huh? what's the problem? whenever its first starting up i hear a mechanical sounding pump from the front that seems to stop pumping around the same time that the lights go off...

any ideas? i haven't had time to take it to a shop yet...[addsig]


Check your fluid level. If it's really low you may have a leak somewhere, Pull teh wheels and check your brakes out. Check the lines, hoses, calipers, and wheel cylinders. ANY leakage will cause a low and spongy or sinking pedal. I always tell my customer that brakes are a saftey issue and should be addressed immediately. If you can't do it, take it somewhere you trust. Also check the back of the master cylinder, where it connects to the power booster, for moisture. If there is any, replace the master.[addsig]

tow the dam thing to a jeep dealer before you kill someone!

ok boys and girls... the problem is fixed. i went to napa and bought a gallon jug of DOT3 brake fluid... and proceeded to bleed the entire brake system... tons of particles of CRAP came out into my catch bucket... the fluid going in was pretty much clear, coming out it was brown. disgusting. the rear brakes had more air in the lines than fluid, so that is what was causing the lack of pressure (and brake functionality). The brake pedal actually moves smoothly now, as there is no large particles to clog the path of the fluid moving. i let the car sit for an hour after bleeding them and started it up... no warning lights at all! problem fixed... thanks guys! hopefully someone can learn from this i'm gonna kick back and eat my animal crackers and drink some snapple.
