Boston Dictionary


New member
I am well aware of the frequency of the use of the word wicked in beantown. It's just funny when you actually hear a SNL episode.


Going to college in Boston? "Mary-mutha-ah-gawd, you gotta be wicked smaht!"

But we bet you don't know some things. Like, what's a three decka? A packie? How about a rotary? Ever banged a U-ey? Worn dungarees or ordered a frappe? Even a Rhodes scholar would have a tough time deciphering the language Boston calls its own. "New Englanders have had a long and strong tradition of eccentric ways of expressing themselves, especially in Boston," said Boston University Linguistics professor Michael Feldman. "It's very distinctive." Indeed ~ and we'd have a pissah time tryin' to stump ya, then make fun of ya behind ya back . . . but that's wicked mean. Instead, here's a little primer to take with you on the T, while you're on the Common or in the Gahden, (Garden) maybe catchin' a Pats game or sipping a regulah coffee at Dunkies.

American Chop Suey ~ Found in school cafeterias, this delightful dish doesn't resemble anything American or Chinese. It's macaroni with meat and tomato sauce.

Bangin' a U-ey ~ This is what you do while driving after you miss a turn and you have to turn around.

Book it ~ To high tail someplace, as in, "I better book it to Stah Mahket (for those who are new to Boston it's - Star Market) before it closes."

Bubblah ~ Spelled bubbler, it's a water fountain.

Der ~ An interjection indicating disdain for someone else's stupidity, as in, "The old Gahden was way betta than the Fleet! Der!"

Down Cellar ~ The basement. As in; "run down cella and get me a dishtowel outta the drya." Derived from upstairs.

Dungarees ~ Jeans. Hardly heard anymore, unless you're at some sort of senior citizens event.

Frappe ~ What the rest of the nation calls a milkshake. But in Boston, a milkshake is just flavored milk; no ice cream allowed.

Fried and Bizaah ~ Weird. "That dude is wicked fried." "Yah, he's totally bizaah."

Fudge-icle ~ To the rest of the world, a frozen chocolate pop is a Fudgesicle, but in Boston the 's' is silent.

Hermits and black and whites ~ Cookies. A hermit is a molasses and raisin bar. Black and whites, known anywhere else as half moons or half and halfs, are round, cakelike cookies with chocolate frosting on one half, vanilla on the other.

Jimmies ~ Sprinkles you put on ice cream.

Packie ~ Liquor Store. You'll have to make a packie run if you want a kegga (keg party.)

Pissah ~ Good.

Rotary ~ traffic circle. And in Massachusetts, those in the rotary have the right of way.

Scrod ~ a generic name for white fish. We think it's cod, but no one's sure. Usually breaded and laden with butter.

Spuckie - What the rest of the nation calls a Submarine Sandwich "Sub" or Grinder. Let's get an Italian Spuckie at Frank's.

So Don't I / So Aren't I ~ So do I,So am I. "I have tickets to Aerosmith tonight." "Oh my Gawd, so don't I!" "No Suh!" "Yah huh." "Wicked Pissa!"

Three Decker ~ Pronounced three decka, it's a three story house in which each story is a separate apartment.

A time ~ A party. "We're going to a time for Sully at McGuire's."

Tonic ~ Soda.

Wicked ~ Extremely. "Nomaaah's a wicked good baseball playa."

Yah huh and no suh ~ Yes and no. Usually heard during an intense conversation. "I saw Mickey at Castle Island and he was with another girl." "No SUH!" "Yah huh."

Other tips: Don't say COPEly Square, it's COPley.

Worcester isn't WOOster, it's Wisstah.

Say Commonwealth Avenue, Massachusetts

Avenue or Dorchester Avenue and you'll get

pinched. It's Comm. Ave, Mass. Ave and Dot.Ave.

. . . . ya gotta love us : )

dick_wilderness, If you were to talk to me in normal conversation, I say I use wicked a wicked lot of time.

mingez, Thanks! But, I know!! hehe...just kidding.

That one wasnt as good as the other one's i have found...i will keep lookin
You missed your calling Boston. Very funny!

But Bubbler is all around the midwest. Bangin' a U-ey, and Book it are the same on the West Coast. (Represent)

And I would never sprinkle Jimmies on my Ice Cream. I hope nobody does! :lol: (I assume it also means condoms in Beantown as well)

You're post is really making me miss home. My wife has no idea what brown bread or american chop suey is. :cry: My son has never said "wicked" or seen the Big Green Monsta. I guess I need to pack the family up and book it up there to see my Dad! I love it here in Baltimore but miss Mass.


LauraBoston said:

Going to college in Boston? "Mary-mutha-ah-gawd, you gotta be wicked smaht!"

But we bet you don't know some things. Like, what's a three decka? A packie? How about a rotary? Ever banged a U-ey? Worn dungarees or ordered a frappe? Even a Rhodes scholar would have a tough time deciphering the language Boston calls its own. "New Englanders have had a long and strong tradition of eccentric ways of expressing themselves, especially in Boston," said Boston University Linguistics professor Michael Feldman. "It's very distinctive." Indeed ~ and we'd have a pissah time tryin' to stump ya, then make fun of ya behind ya back . . . but that's wicked mean. Instead, here's a little primer to take with you on the T, while you're on the Common or in the Gahden, (Garden) maybe catchin' a Pats game or sipping a regulah coffee at Dunkies.

American Chop Suey ~ Found in school cafeterias, this delightful dish doesn't resemble anything American or Chinese. It's macaroni with meat and tomato sauce.

Bangin' a U-ey ~ This is what you do while driving after you miss a turn and you have to turn around.

Book it ~ To high tail someplace, as in, "I better book it to Stah Mahket (for those who are new to Boston it's - Star Market) before it closes."

Bubblah ~ Spelled bubbler, it's a water fountain.

Der ~ An interjection indicating disdain for someone else's stupidity, as in, "The old Gahden was way betta than the Fleet! Der!"

Down Cellar ~ The basement. As in; "run down cella and get me a dishtowel outta the drya." Derived from upstairs.

Dungarees ~ Jeans. Hardly heard anymore, unless you're at some sort of senior citizens event.

Frappe ~ What the rest of the nation calls a milkshake. But in Boston, a milkshake is just flavored milk; no ice cream allowed.

Fried and Bizaah ~ Weird. "That dude is wicked fried." "Yah, he's totally bizaah."

Fudge-icle ~ To the rest of the world, a frozen chocolate pop is a Fudgesicle, but in Boston the 's' is silent.

Hermits and black and whites ~ Cookies. A hermit is a molasses and raisin bar. Black and whites, known anywhere else as half moons or half and halfs, are round, cakelike cookies with chocolate frosting on one half, vanilla on the other.

Jimmies ~ Sprinkles you put on ice cream.

Packie ~ Liquor Store. You'll have to make a packie run if you want a kegga (keg party.)

Pissah ~ Good.

Rotary ~ traffic circle. And in Massachusetts, those in the rotary have the right of way.

Scrod ~ a generic name for white fish. We think it's cod, but no one's sure. Usually breaded and laden with butter.

Spuckie - What the rest of the nation calls a Submarine Sandwich "Sub" or Grinder. Let's get an Italian Spuckie at Frank's.

So Don't I / So Aren't I ~ So do I,So am I. "I have tickets to Aerosmith tonight." "Oh my Gawd, so don't I!" "No Suh!" "Yah huh." "Wicked Pissa!"

Three Decker ~ Pronounced three decka, it's a three story house in which each story is a separate apartment.

A time ~ A party. "We're going to a time for Sully at McGuire's."

Tonic ~ Soda.

Wicked ~ Extremely. "Nomaaah's a wicked good baseball playa."

Yah huh and no suh ~ Yes and no. Usually heard during an intense conversation. "I saw Mickey at Castle Island and he was with another girl." "No SUH!" "Yah huh."

Other tips: Don't say COPEly Square, it's COPley.

Worcester isn't WOOster, it's Wisstah.

Say Commonwealth Avenue, Massachusetts

Avenue or Dorchester Avenue and you'll get

pinched. It's Comm. Ave, Mass. Ave and Dot.Ave.

. . . . ya gotta love us : )

dick_wilderness, If you were to talk to me in normal conversation, I say I use wicked a wicked lot of time.

mingez, Thanks! But, I know!! hehe...just kidding.

That one wasnt as good as the other one's i have found...i will keep lookin

:shock: IM NOT READIN ALLL DAT.......

33 x12.50" Procomp M/T with 100% tread on tire and moun

Jeez there's a lot of yankees on here.
I love the New England accent and Boston-ese, but you guys have nothing on the people of Pittsburgh, PA.

For those with wwaayyy too much time on their hands, kinda like me, check out this website:

BTW -- will a Beaner please explain the "brown egg" thing?


outerbeachyj said:
Hey Y'all I just turned the big 3-0 this summer and feel younger than ever!

We here in Boston also enjoy "Candle pin Bowling" kinda like bowling but with really small balls and thin tall pins! (Im talking about a game here, get your mind out of the gutta, its wicked pissa!

The Cape! I lived in South Yarmouth, right across the street from the Bass River. Good days those were!
LadyJeepFreak said:
Candle Pin Bowling??? We have bowling with small pins in Maryland, it's called Duck Pin Bowling. Our jimmies are sprinkles for ice cream. Brown bread is served at outback and othe fine restaurants and brown eggs come from chickens! LOL

Interesting thread!

Lady :roll:

Outback brown bread is NOT Boston brown bread. Trust me here... :wink:

Inspector-Gadget said:
BTW -- will a Beaner please explain the "brown egg" thing?


They sell brown and white eggs in the soopamarket. The sayin is brown eggs ar local eggs, and local eggs are fresh. Personally I like my eggs ova hahd
I love all of you East-Coasters! Northern Cali is more like the east than the west. LA is in a different state as far as we are concerned.

But out on the Left Coast, "Jimmies" is short for Jimmy Hats. In cali, that's a condom. If you ask someone west of the Mississippi to sprinkle some "Jimmies" on your ice cream you'll get a very strange look.:shock: I love cultural differences!

And I'm of 1/2 Mexican descent. Down hear in El Paso (aka "Hell") the term "Beaner" means something else. We won't get into that! :lol:
Since nobody has said anything, I will explain the miricles of brown bread.

It is a very dark bread that comes in a can! It is made by B&M. the same company that makes Boston baked beans! heard of those!!! The can is almost identicle in size and looks. You can either get brown nread straight up or with raisins (save the raisins for the holidays) Take the bread out of the can and slice the bread up into 1 inch thick slices and put in a over for like 2 minutes (just to get it warm) Take them out and smear butter all over them and devour!!! It is soooo good! compliments beans and franks very well!

If you don't think you can find it but wanna try it, I will mail any body that want some a can! This stuff is that good!


Everybody is gonna want some, I will help if you get overwelmed.