blinkers/emergency lights


New member
my blinker switch does not work all the time.. sometime i have to hold against it to get it to work and sometimes it works fine but most times i have to keep against it to keep the turn single blinking. and my emergency swtich is the same think. sometimes it will work or sometiems if i keep against it one side will blink or it wont work at all... i was wondering if it was the same switch for both or if it was a bad relay or something. it all works sometimes but not all the time. so it is not the bulbs or nothing. any help would be great thanks

Unfortunately, the turn and hazard switch on a TJ is one modular unit. The Multifunction switch would need to be replaced for that issue.
thanks steelheadz.. can u tell me what exactly the name of the switch i am looking for so i can shop around. and where is the switch located? thanks
It's technical name is a Multifunction switch. It's located on the steering column. The upper and lower steering column shroud needs to be removed to access this switch. The turn and hazard switch IS the multifunction switch.

thank you so much steelheadz it is greatly apriciated. i has a spare switch at home so i will try that.