I believe Osama died over 8 years ago, kidney failure, it was covered up and buried.. this coming out now is a re-election campaign BS... someday they needed to make it official and OBAMA decided to do it now in his OWN interest.. NO I do not like OBAMA, don't like what he stands for, and will do all I can to see him NOT re-elected.. Socialist Muslim, Socialist medicine, NO.. Rx and treatments would not change, most likely be more expensive .. the United States has so much corruption in the government, $$$ are being made by every politician to keep any cures from being made for sickness/illness and Pharmaceutical companies make fortunes off med's.. name ONE cure America has ever come up with!.. sure, there are vaccines, but NO cures.. MS, MD, Cancer, the common COLD, Flu, Aids, you name it, NO cures.. because THEY make money off this.. and socialist medicine here in the USA will not get rid of the Graft in Politics, only voting these people out of office will.. Obama is part of a plan that was started years and years ago.. get a copy of "END GAME" and watch it, if you can't find a copy, I'll be glad to send you one.. it details WORLD POWER.. ONE WORLD POWER.. and its run and controlled by the rich!!!.. It shows the players, and all that is being compromised and proposed..