best H2 site there is........hehe

YUP, Explaine that one if you can. Where is the justice in the goverment and I use this term lightly. Why is all I ask! Tug the yellow dog
The H2 is a tax loophole. Under Bush's new tax plan, business owners can deduct the entire cost of their $55,000 H2. If you are in the highest tax bracket, that's a tax savings of nearly $20,000! The government rewards you more savings for buying an H2 than you'd get for buying an electric car.
Kind of sounds to me like they're a bunch of tree huggers that are only concerned about how much gas it uses. I'm not saying it's ok for vehicles to eat lots of gas and pollute the enviroment but I just really hate those treehugginbarkmunchers. If you look at the links page of their site it has links to those idiots who burnt all those suv's at some dealership. All I can say to those tree huggers is get a job and quit collecting people's tax money (welfare) so you can be a bumb and sit on your ass smoking your dope and using protesting as an excuse not to work.
And the Hummers just Keep onnnn comming.

My ol Suburban get all of 10 miles to the gallon. I work and pay for my gas.what grips my tail on this subject is the Bush Admin. Doing stupid stuff as a normal just like the statement above. Tax credit for buying a H2 please give me a break! tug

Tug-n-pull said:
Tax credit for buying a H2 please give me a break! tug


I was just speaking with one of the other companies that i do business with about this, and this IS true even here in canada.
You see, If a business uses a hummer as a billboard on wheels, it falls under the same category as a van or a truck that is used for promotional purposes.
In this particular case, this company has actually gotten rid of most of their subway ads and billboards in favour of this h2 with their logo on it. They also use it as a sales tool by letting high volume customers drive around with it for a week...
Pretty much its a big 4 wheel drive eyesore with a billboard pasted to it.

Anyways, that still doesnt mean i like the H2, and i have to admit that i often flick them the bird... especially if they have those big low profile bling-bling rims!
I think the most valid thing that they said against the h2 is the fact that its nothing more than a chevy tahoe with an oversized body.
Grocery-getter meets penis-car.
Craig, Those tree huggers are usually living off Trust funds...daddy's money. When they grow up and hit the real world, they will understand. Oh wait..that won't happen.

It's a good idea for a site, but wrong people maintaining is the soilder that give us freedom, not the rally organizer.

I work for a living and I'm a moderate tree-hugger (if there is such a thing). I love my jeep, but it does contribute to the oil industry's dominance of the lobbyist's regime. I just think, rather than outlawing big fuel burning vehicles, they should give tax breaks for those who do buy an economy car. Also, there must be some incentive for carpooling. That cluster-f**k in LA is just a ridiculous bunch of Yuppies too lazy to use public transport. Only thing worse than a Hippie is a Yuppie.

I love the outdoors, and hate to see it's destruction. But airpolution is the least of the environmental problems suffered by nature. It's the Logging industry that takes the cake on that one.

Just my 2.
Master Cylinder is weird. Anyone else ever have this happen?

i am with mingez. the governmenmt should be giving tax breaks to those who drive small, low emission economical cars and not vice-versa. it cost alot of money to clean up the environment and when air pollution becomes a big enough problem who is gonna pay for that clean-up? i am not a tree-hugger and i wouldnt trade anything for my 12 miles per gallon jeep but ya gotta think logically and realistically about this issue or should i say "problem" we are going to inevitably face.

My daily driver is a small toyota which get 30 miles to the gallon. the jeep is strictly for fun! :lol:
The problem is gas mileage has nothing to do with air polution. I am sure that 10 H2s could not put out as many emmisions as 1 of my cars, and I have all of the factory emmisions equipment on all. I also don't think I would mind Hummer if they stuck to thier roots like jeep did. The fad will die and they will have nothing to fall back on. They should have built it to go anywhere plus some then they would not have so many haters. Just to clarify I don't like the H2 either.

As far as environmentalists goes. Most of the Extreemers are the opposite. Burning, destroying, painting. Those things hurt the environment. All of you that pick up trash on the trail or do trail matenence do 100 times more than they ever will. If we all do a little we don't have to worry about a thing.

I could be jinxing myself here...

i agree with chinard. its not a fact that "you get a break if you buy an h2" the fact is you get a break for buying a company vehicle. may it be an h2, a pinto, a jeep, or any vehicle. that site is just a bunch of left wing wackos trying to get people to hate gas guzzlers and george bush at the same time.

and $20,000.00???? have you ever heard of anyone paying 20 grand in taxes on vehicle that cost 55??? i dismiss this site as complete BS. very little fact what-so-eva.
I'm a moderate tree-hugger (if there is such a thing).

I would probably be called the same. I try to be consious of recycling anything before trashing it, using energy efficient devices whenever possible, and try to use as little gas as possible in my Jeeps. My Cherokee project is a next step to help ensure I'm driving enviromentally friendly (more on this when I've completed it) :mrgreen:

I believe it is important to be consious of how our technology and way of living impacts our environment. 8)

-Nick :!:

ok, as a GM guy..........

Ever hit a trail and see 50 h2s there ready to go ? I have many times....
Ever see a Ford Excursion there ? No !

All Iam saying is don't talk all this **** about a H2 becouse its the best looking Of the most useless SUV's..
Spread the hate even..... How about a KIA Sportage ? What sport about that ?
See my point ?
when mount saint helens blew up it caused more pollution then all cars combined, These people who hug trees and put "war is not the answer" signs in there yards can go to he double hockey sticks. If war wasnt the answer we would all be spreckin sie german.
1/2 door uppers for steel lowers.

Hmmm... real nice choice of words there Jeepdude832 :x :roll:

-Nick :!:

To One and All...

The tax break exists based on the weight of the vehicle. Anything above a certain weight is in the same boat as the H2, like the BMW or Benz SUV, I forget which. I read about this about a year ago and I think the weight was kind of an arbitrary line in the sand created to classify a certain type of truck so small businesses could get a break. I think at the time, the weight was set at a point above where soccer mom mobiles were. I could be wrong, but I think the fact that people can now get a tax deduction for the H2 is more of a function that the H2 now exists than of Bush being our president. I think that if the H2 existed a few years ago before he came along it would have qualified for the break then.

The $20k comes from deducting $55k (work use vehicle) from your income taxes when you are in the highest tax bracket. I think they might have rounded up, but the deduction is big.

I don't like the H2 just because the original hummer is such a beast of a vehicle, and this goes around using the same name.
I know where I live they implemented a luxurey tax on vehicles over $30,000 but if it's rated at 1 ton or higher then it's considered a work vehicle and the tax is exempt.
Me and my friends were laughing so hard in class over this site...then we saw one on the way to lunch and i flipped that is hilarious and these guys are stupid and funny wasting their time with this.