Best action pictures

mingez said:
Easy Moabe,

Nobody is trying to lecture you!! We are all cool around here, it's just that a lot of younger tikes hang out on this board.

We welcome you to the board, but it's just a bit more conservative around here. Other sites end up as non-stop trash talking, but we are trying to keep it all civil around here. If you've ever been to the Jeepin site it's like a non-stop bashing fest. If you ask a question as a newbie you get ripped up. Here, you can ACTUALLY get the help you need from some awesome people.

Lady is cool as hell, and she's just giving you a suggestion.

Me, I am NOT a conservative person: there is nothing wrong with nudity and alcohol, (YEAH BABY) :twisted:
BUT I won't link to any of that from this site because not everyone feels the same.
Uhhh, not that I frequent that sorta stuff or anything... :lol:

BTW- nice jeep man.

ACTUALLY, YES, i think someone was lectureing me, and they dont need you to speak up for them, im pretty smart, i think i know when someone is lectureing me, and i think i toook care of it myself....
Hey Moabe, I think second period is over, time for recess! and if you wanna quote me, by all mean, put my name next to it! cause your un-informed, under educated assumptions are going to cause more bad than good. I propose that you sit back, relax, and take into consideration what it is your comparing here. Members of this board, Particularly ones that have been friends for quite some time, joke with each other, such as I pointed out to you in another thread, you on the other hand are relaying pornographic messages and vulger language, which is not permitted on this board. This is a family type of atmoshphere we like around here!

jps4jeep said:
Hey Moabe, I think second period is over, time for recess! and if you wanna quote me, by all mean, put my name next to it! cause your un-informed, under educated assumptions are going to cause more bad than good. I propose that you sit back, relax, and take into consideration what it is your comparing here. Members of this board, Particularly ones that have been friends for quite some time, joke with each other, such as I pointed out to you in another thread, you on the other hand are relaying pornographic messages and vulger language, which is not permitted on this board. This is a family type of atmoshphere we like around here!

dont cry to not in this to just stateing my opinion.... :roll:
Hey everybody. Thanks for taking up for me. I made my point and Moabe responded and defended his position. I did not mean to lecture, but only to point out that from what I know, porn and fould language is not tolerated on this board and I think that it is a bad idea to post links to sites that do contain such content. With that being said, I know that pointing something out and lecturing someone is almost the same thing.

I do not think that the site he referenced and the foul language and pornographic content compares to the posts that he referenced. I still think that referencing sites with such content is not in the best interest of everyone on this site, espescially those younger (see the how old are you post to see just how many teenagers are on here). I did not surf the site looking for porn, the porn that I refer to was in a profile image in the thread you linked to. That was the only thread that I looked at. I have seen a grown woman naked as well, although I have not seen hundreds of naked women like some men. I have been happily married for almost eight years and I would prefer if the only naked woman I see for the rest of my life is my wife.

If the moderators do not have a problem with the link, then that is the way it will be.

Let's not get to upset and run anyone off. I do have to say that although I did not look through Moabe's posts on the other site to see if he used foul language there, he has not done so here. I am not accusing Moabe of using foul language or being into porn. Therefore, I say let's let the moderators decide if the link in innapropriate for this site, drop it and be friends.
It had already been decided :wink: A word of advice if I may, sit back and learn before jumping in, it will make everybody's presence here much more enjoyable.

And not directing this at anyone in particular, let's be thick-skinned and not take things so personally. If you think you have been attacked in a thread, settle it like adults over a PM instead of airing dirty laundry. Many times it's simply a misunderstanding as it's difficult to express sarcasm and tone in a post.

Bounty__Hunter said:
It had already been decided :wink: A word of advice if I may, sit back and learn before jumping in, it will make everybody's presence here much more enjoyable.

And not directing this at anyone in particular, let's be thick-skinned and not take things so personally. If you think you have been attacked in a thread, settle it like adults over a PM instead of airing dirty laundry. Many times it's simply a misunderstanding as it's difficult to express sarcasm and tone in a post.

are you being sarcastic??? :?

Deerhunter30 said:
Hey everybody. Thanks for taking up for me. I made my point and Moabe responded and defended his position. I did not mean to lecture, but only to point out that from what I know, porn and fould language is not tolerated on this board and I think that it is a bad idea to post links to sites that do contain such content. With that being said, I know that pointing something out and lecturing someone is almost the same thing.

I do not think that the site he referenced and the foul language and pornographic content compares to the posts that he referenced. I still think that referencing sites with such content is not in the best interest of everyone on this site, espescially those younger (see the how old are you post to see just how many teenagers are on here). I did not surf the site looking for porn, the porn that I refer to was in a profile image in the thread you linked to. That was the only thread that I looked at. I have seen a grown woman naked as well, although I have not seen hundreds of naked women like some men. I have been happily married for almost eight years and I would prefer if the only naked woman I see for the rest of my life is my wife.

If the moderators do not have a problem with the link, then that is the way it will be.

Let's not get to upset and run anyone off. I do have to say that although I did not look through Moabe's posts on the other site to see if he used foul language there, he has not done so here. I am not accusing Moabe of using foul language or being into porn. Therefore, I say let's let the moderators decide if the link in innapropriate for this site, drop it and be friends.

i think that since you dug through the site for 30 minutes until you find some questionable material instead of loookin at the jeep pics that i referenced, you should take the blame....and now that you brought alll this drama to it, who wouldnt want to go look at the site....NICE JOB
seats for 89 yj

For starters I would like to clarify that I was only in the site for about three minutes looking at the thread that Moabe linked to. I did not look at any of the rest of the web site.

I will take the blame for posting to the thread instead of sending a PM. I'll refrain from making such posts in the future. I am only posting here on this thread one more time so that I can make sure that everyone knows my position.

I do not dislike Moabe.

I am not accusing Moabe of being into porn or using fould language.

Moabe has not used foul launguage on this or any other board that I know of.

I would like to apologize to Moabe for calling him out in public instead of sending him a PM.

Can we just get past this, be internet friends and talk about Jeeps? (I wish that I had a emoticon for offering a handshake, but I do not)

Deerhunter30 said:
For starters I would like to clarify that I was only in the site for about three minutes looking at the thread that Moabe linked to. I did not look at any of the rest of the web site.

I will take the blame for posting to the thread instead of sending a PM. I'll refrain from making such posts in the future. I am only posting here on this thread one more time so that I can make sure that everyone knows my position.

I do not dislike Moabe.

I am not accusing Moabe of being into porn or using fould language.

Moabe has not used foul launguage on this or any other board that I know of.

I would like to apologize to Moabe for calling him out in public instead of sending him a PM.

Can we just get past this, be internet friends and talk about Jeeps? (I wish that I had a emoticon for offering a handshake, but I do not)

i have toooooooo many friends already, but i will let ya say you know me.... 8)
:shock: action photo....and i had yet to get to the 5 ft ledge know as the waterfalll


firemanharry said:
That looks more like a REaction shot. :lol:

i was movin forward at 2 mph...not comin off backards...

OK, I am guessing that you accept my internet hand shake.

That picture is awesome! Tell me a little about it. Are you riding on your bumber...did you go over....did it come down.....? I see you are from Texas. Is that trail in Texas?