bad starter 99 4.0 2door


New member
Sorry to start out this way but I am at wits end without taking it to the $repair guy$
my difficulty lies with the starter 99 4.0 2door asphalt pro stopped starting bout and hour into drive time got "barely used" starter from pop did the same thing put old one back in worked, stopped working thought Grounding prob. removed cleaned then inadvertantly stripped threads put #2 back in works, then stopped 2 days later. transfered old guts to new case worked fine for another two days..... suks but I hafta say that it is currently sitting in the field, I'm not sitting with it so thats a bad thing. anything youve seen like this? bad wire, bad saftey switch on shifter, bad ??

Keep in mind that the starter you were given was probably removed from a jeep for a reason. I'd try a new starter.
Mines a stolen recovery had 14 miles on when I got it, the starter PoP gave me was off one that had been crushed by a tree. chopped front end off stuck on shelf only needed starter so only grabbed starter. Maybe I should have grabbed front end?
OH MY DEAR SWEET JEEP GOD Thank you for pointing me to the ground on the motor block. nuff said

ya those grounds will do it all the time. If you have more problems check here before you start buying parts you don't need, this site and its members have saved me bookoo bucks. Thanks to all of you guys. To Steelheads and bounty-hunter you have solved a lot of my problems and I thank you both. There are a lot of guys here that have taught me allot and will teach you too. The price for all this knowledge is priceless.