bad ground???


New member
I have a 1990 wrangler straight 6. It will turn over, but not start. I have a feeling it is a bad ground wire somewhere. Any ideas on where to start, and/or how to find the bad ground without going through each and every wire??? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Did you check to see if you have spark.It may not be a ground,but a coil,wire,or plug problem.Could also be a timing issue.
coil is new, timing chain and timing all new, good spark. this is why i am in need.

You say "Good spark", was this from the coil or at the plugs?

A good spark at the plugs should rule out a bad ground.

Did you check for fuel?

Of course you know it takes a while for a mechanical fuel pump to fill the carb bowl?

Could be 180 off?

If you recently did a chain, & this problem started then, it could be off a few teeth, or out by 180 degrees. The cam-shaft rotates twice for each rotation of the crank-shaft.

Try a shot of starting fluid in the carb, to see if it fires.

After that, I'd go through your chain swap procedure & double check your shaft alignment.