Thanks for the update keep us posted on what is going on ...get well soon your jeep misses YOU...:)
Had the tests...and am going back to the DR's tomorrow (thursday) at 10 am...I'll fill you all on whats happining when I get back.

Rob 8) :p :)

2" lift's the latest update...

went to the DR today and got the results back from the tests I had on Wednesday.

I do have a small tear in the anterieor crituate ligament, but it probably dosen't neccesitate surgery.

HOWEVER (and I HATE howevers), it also showed f fratcure in the bone that the implant from the past surgery is screwed into.

Bottom line today......made appt with the ortho surgeon for Monday, and basicaly, don't use the knee for anything.

So the saga continues..thanks to all who are keeping me in your thoughts.

Rob 8) :p :)
Oh, that was sounding good and I was preparing my "congratulations and hope for some quick healing" post. Then you had to drop the "however". I hope that this is not as bad as it sounds. I was hoping that you would be back in action soon. Are you still doing the club-clutch thing or using the leg, or is someone else driving you around? Good luck on Monday with the ortho surgeon.
Sorry to hear about the injury. Im into a lot of extream sports and i know when you have a bad injury how it can ruin your life until your recovered. Hope its painless and your recovery is quick, one peice of advice though, its better to let it fully heal before you go out and try to abuse it and end up hurting it again. Goodluck Justin

bummer.. that stinks...

hey did you ever notice that pasmokeater & deerhunter have almost the same pic in their messages.. looking at them side by side if i didnt know otherwise id say they were taken at the same spot...
What's up with the number of posts?

Deerhunter30 said:
Graewulf is right. Mine is in Spring, Texas which is just north of Houston. I am "flex jealous" of PASmokeater's ride.

yeah and i took the one of pasmokeater in the jersey pine barrens...

Flex Jealous that must be a new term ...but I like the sound of it HEY DEERHUNTER when we going again??? :) back from the ortho surgeon today and FINALLY have SOME news. There is a compression fracture around the base of the implant. The might not be neccessary. There will be a six week heal/rehab period, and they will make the determination after that.

The good news ?

Since the fracture is a compression fracture, any downward fource will only push the bones together, not do any damage to the knee. So the crutches are gone (for the most part, putting weight on it for a while will cause pain), and as far as driving The Pit, The clutch is very similer to an excercise I'll have to do for rehab. So I guess I could go wheeling, and consider it part of the rehab.

Get Tugly ready Tug, I'm on my way, and we have some trails to hit.

Rob 8) :p :)
Excellent news PA!!! Good to here it's not real serious. My dad said he'd go wheelin with me so next time your in the pines let me know.

Trip to Paragon

That is really good news PA! Heal up quick and get back out on the trails!
HEY HEY HEY alright glad to hear it isn't so bad you old man..... SOmeone needs to take care of your ole' roundie...:)

Hey PA,good to hear that you are well enough to go to tugs.Post some pics for us here at jeepz when you get back.
Hey PA,good to hear that you are well enough to go to tugs.Post some pics for us here at jeepz when you get back.