Axle swap on 95 yj wih Vac motor


New member
Ok, Im wanting to do away with my Vac motor and lines,Im hearing talk that you can swap the 2 piece axle on pass. side with a 1 piece..Can you tell me exactly how this works? And if any other Mods are necessary?
Thanks Scott
JEEP YJ...:???:

Why are you wanting to do away with it?

You can remove your vacuum disconnect motor, engage the shift collar, and reinstall the shift motor upside down. This will hold the collar engaged and serve the same purpose as installing a 1-piece shaft, with a lot less hassle and cost.
it appears he has a 95, so it's safe to assume he has the larger joint, may be he wants to remove the intermediate shaft?

the axle will swap over easily.

only have to replace the inner pass. side seal.

Some will say that it is a un-needed mod, I personally used to blow 260 joints like crazy, I sourced a set of 95 YJ shafts and I blew the pass intermediate shaft twice.. went with tj shafts, and never had an issue.
you also have to pull the carrier and install a seal in the axle tube after dremeling out the spot where it sits.