Attention: All Members, Yea that means you! hehehe

Engine Swap

it may be possible to turn off viewing of the BBcode... but that would also turn off the viewing of modified text, url's, quotes, and such.... and... for those of you who have removed your images... for the most part, it was not really necessary... for the majority of the case, once a user views the image once, it will be cached in a temporary folder so it will not take extra time to load next time... but... there still are the users who choose not to use caching, and it will affect them

Alternator wiring

I can't believe I read that entire thread. Anyone know where the last 10 minutes of my life went? :lol: HEHEHEHE
new guy

HAHAHA @ mingez,

I warned you way back on page-1, it was headed for an eye-glazer!

A great discussion for


Teasing Gadget
There are still some sigs out there with HUGE file size images. Can everybody help out our dialup members and maybe send the member a PM when you see a large file size? These things are really slowing down the threads loading (and yes, this is me pouting, beat ya to it :mrgreen: )

The pic in my sig is as small as I can get, from what I see. The options given at Imagestation when I click EDIT do not include resizing. Only croping, borders, etc.

I am one of the bandwidth-challenged people you speak of. Likely more so than most others. I use an antique computer (2 yrs old) and a phone modem. I also live far away from any telephone hub. On a good day I'm lucky to get 45000bps. I don't notice any real difference downloading posts here vs. any other board, site or page.

BUT, if it's a real problem, then I would vote for the idea of eliminating all of them, no matter the size, along with avatars and quotes....because the problem remains: where do you draw the line? If someone makes a post with alot of quotes, smilies or whatever else they drag in from another site, it hogs ALOT more space than one picture in a signature, this REALLY applies to anything that is an animation, movie clip, short or anything else that has it in an avatar, message body or signature.

Image cops read: , I will try resizing and uploading it as a smaller image and see what happens.....if that does not work, then screw it....I'll turn it off.

there you go my friend, save that pic, and upload it to imagestation... or you can use my space to host it for now.. but my bandwidth goes over often... i would suggest getting it hosted elsewhere
I like that, image cops, hehe. I appreciate your effort in doing the best you can, and thanks for asking when help was needed, glad Snitty was able to help out.

Well, there you go. Smaller pic. Thanks Snitty, you saved me some legwork (or would that be finger work?)

All is well.
Roundeye, take the orig.jpg off the end of the pic url in your sig, it should work then. It should end in just one .jpg :mrgreen:
WOOHOO what happened to Winter.

I have been trying to follow this and I am having a problem seeing the issue. Pictures are taking too long to come up?

I have dial up, bone stock, base line internet access, ya it takes a little longer(generally 5-7 seconds for a page to load,) but that gives me time to ponder what I am going to type.

Perhaps the problem you all are experiencing is not a issue with photo sizes but rather being inconvienced with scrolling over. Or just might be you have WAY too many things down loaded on your computer that it finds it tough to load up a simple page?
terrymason said:
The only bad side to this whole thing is that I don't have any automated way to enforce this. It would be one of those things that we would have to personally attend to. There would be a thousand "your sig is too big" messages.
with this software :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Or.. You could just leave a link to your website where you could put as many pics as you want.
Just a suggestion..
Hey Roundeye.... im at school now, so im on the network and it dont matter..... but at home, i only get 26400.... ouch!! :)

Welcome to the boards,those are some great pics I might add.Where were those taken?Where in california are you at?
Hey Sully, Thanks for the welcome =) I'm in Stockton work/school, but my family lives out in Linden. Some of the pics on my brother's site are from "Top of the world" And Del Porto Canyon, have you heard of it? We go up there a lot, and we're always looking for people to 4x4 with.
My site is , my jeep is still in Phase 1 of development, trying to catch up to my brother.. lol, but hey it's fun. How's the terrain down there near the bottom?