Attention: All Members, Yea that means you! hehehe

realistically 300x300 as max sizes works pretty good, most of the pics being used now are in that range, and sizes are small enough.. the biggest thing is convert them to jpg and up the compression rate to make them download faster.... 30k is not unreasonable across dialup, but larger than that and tug will pout... :wink:

graewulf said:
30k is not unreasonable across dialup, but larger than that and tug will pout... :wink:

How did I get drug into this Graewulf ol buddie! I am not a dial up member, I was posting as a request from some that are.
Tug-n-pull said:
How did I get drug into this Graewulf ol buddie! I am not a dial up member, I was posting as a request from some that are.

ahh... what happened to your sig pic? i liked that one...
The only bad side to this whole thing is that I don't have any automated way to enforce this. It would be one of those things that we would have to personally attend to. There would be a thousand "your sig is too big" messages.

Snitty said:
you could also make them a gif, which usually compresses to an even smaller filesize

if you try it, you'll fingd that jpg compresses tighter than gif.. especially if you crank up the compression... gif isnt too bad though.
you could also make them a gif, which usually compresses to an even smaller filesize


The JPEG format has the best compression rates for images, and is best suited for photographs. Unfourtionately, the JPEG compression is prone to quality loss. This is due to the format recording descriptions of each pixel as they are similar to each other instead of being exact. However, if you keep the compression ratio less than 30% (translates to image quality of around 70+), the images should be fine.

The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) and Portable Network Graphic (PNG) have a loss-less compression, meaning image quality is not degraded. However, these formats cannot compress nearly as efficiently as JPEG format, causing larger file sizes. They are the best formats for clipart type images or images with text.

I try to avoid GIF format because of Compuserve and only use it if I need an image with transparency. PNG format supports transparency and much higher color depth than GIF, but unfourtionately there are issues with PNG transparency NOT working in Microsoft Internet Explorer!

Probably more info than you wanted :mrgreen:
-Nick :!:
Furthermore I will say that I too am on DSL internet Service.

However, I WILL also pout about the message board being slow due to large or badly optimized images, since I believe avatar and signature pictures are by no means as important as getting GOOD Jeep advice from fellow Jeepers :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

the last GIF statement... that must be where my assumtion came from... the ability to compress an image without making other try to figure out what it is... when I am using small pictures for sigs and avatars... i usually prefer to us gif, that is, unless the range of color is so oustanding that it will not turn out... the image quality (not color quality), in my cases, are always much better for the file size with a gif than a jpg... though.. if i make a photoshot of something to show detail... i never use a gif

and no... not more info than i wanted to know... there is no such limit
Socom2 for PS2

I've been thinking and a solution to this problem would be to have the readers rides section updated so people don't have to post pictures of their jeeps as an avtar. I think this section should be updated so members who have been here a certain amount of time or have a certain amount of posts (like mabye 100 or so) can post a picture or a number of pictures of their jeeps. By making it so you have to be here a certain length of time or have a certain amount of posts, it'll stop people from signing up to this site just so they can post a picture and never to be heard from again. You could also have it so if they aren't an active member for a certain amount of time, their pictures get erased (mabye 6 months?). It'll make this site more close nit also because everyone here will know each other by what their jeep looks like and not someone who just signs up to post a picture. You could have it so each member who qualifies to post pictures is allowed to post mabye 3 or 6 or something like that. Mabye make it so each member can delete a picture of their own if they want and replace it with a different one. By doing this, you could have the sections where you post questions as a no picture zone and not allow anyone to post pictures there.
Craig said:
I've been thinking and a solution to this problem would be to have the readers rides section updated so people don't have to post pictures of their jeeps as an avtar. I think this section should be updated so members who have been here a certain amount of time or have a certain amount of posts (like mabye 100 or so) can post a picture or a number of pictures of their jeeps. By making it so you have to be here a certain length of time or have a certain amount of posts, it'll stop people from signing up to this site just so they can post a picture and never to be heard from again. You could also have it so if they aren't an active member for a certain amount of time, their pictures get erased (mabye 6 months?). It'll make this site more close nit also because everyone here will know each other by what their jeep looks like and not someone who just signs up to post a picture. You could have it so each member who qualifies to post pictures is allowed to post mabye 3 or 6 or something like that. Mabye make it so each member can delete a picture of their own if they want and replace it with a different one. By doing this, you could have the sections where you post questions as a no picture zone and not allow anyone to post pictures there.

that sounds like a pretty decent idea...... i dont know about 6 months though.... seems a little long to wait

The discussion of the various picture file formats (gif, tif, jpg, png, yada, yada) although very interesting, might prove to be academic for many members.


Keep in mind that some INTERNET picture hosting services -- Sony Imagestation, for example -- will not host a "dot-gif" file. If one tries to upload a dot-gif file to Sony Imagestation, one will be rewarded with this...



I suspect (total speculation on my part) that the dot.gif format is intentionally unsupported by Sony Imagestation and some other web pic hosting services because of the dot-gif copyright issue.



PS: Yes, I know that Sony Imagestation can easily be tricked, but that is a story for another day and another thread.
I suspect (total speculation on my part) that the dot.gif format is intentionally unsupported by Sony Imagestation and some other web pic hosting services because of the dot-gif copyright issue.

I also suspect that's the case. This whole Compuserve copyright thing regarding the GIF format is rediculous :roll:

I am surprised though that Imagestation is promoting the use of Bitmap and TIFF formats which create HUGE filesizes, and ignoring the PNG format, which is a great alternative to GIF :roll:

Interesting... :mrgreen:
-Nick :!:

I am glazed already and am sitting in the corner quietly. I hope you all get it straight, I have a cable connection and haven't thought about these worries in a long time. I don't use any pictures in my sig either, so this doesn't apply to me. **Sitting back down** Good luck.

This one got a bit involved. All that is means is please keep the sig pics to a minmum for the sake of the dial up users. I to am cable and have not htese worries. How you do is your own concerns. I too took my sig pic away for this reason. It would be real ez to say to heck with them if they are stuck with dial up! But they are our Jeep brothers and Sisters and we love em evey one. heheheh so just do the right thing and help em out. change to a jif jpg sos lpr mub what ever just keep em a bit smaller an d all will be better for your effort. It is not a big deal folks. :wink: tug
Not to ...


But, just out of curiosity...

I wonder why there isn't a user option built into the board software that would allow one to "turn off" or "turn-on" the viewing of sig pics at will?

VIOLIN!!!! Those limited to low-speed connections could then fix their own problem!

And now, back to the party...



PS: Wouldn't it be funny if that option already existed, but we didn't know it?