Anyone else have a family member suffering from Twilight-mania?


Staff member
I had to leave work early today to come home and babysit while the wife went to see Twilight will her friends.

Anyone else out there in my situation? I'm amazed at how popular this stuff is.


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LMAO Terry, What IS Twilight Mania ?, cant say i've ever heard of it but then again my oldest Daughter is sometimes in the twilight zone but, she's a blonde so she's got an excuse.
You've never heard of Twilight?!? It started as Vampire books that teenage girls went crazy for, but then spread to all ages. Now they've become movies, and people seem to go wild for them

I know my 2 sister in laws where at the midnight viewing.Even paid an extra $25 to watch the first two movies again before the midnight show started.I could never sit in a movie theater for over 6 hours,let alone the 7 hours they waited in line.

Ayayyay, i can't say that any of my family members are into that but my wife, sister inlaw and brother in law are trekies.
Sheew Lordy Mercey, I know what you mean Terry. My significant other, her sister and pretty much all of my neices are twilight-a-holics. Her sister has a 2 week old baby girl and when I went up to visit day before yesterday, they had her wrapped up in a Twilight shirt. :roll:
I think I may have been living a little too long out here in the middle of the desert cause I haven't heard nuttin bout it til now. :???:

You're not missin' nuttin' HiHood. My wife's not crazy about them, she just watched #2 cause she saw #1. She has no plan on seeing #3. I slept both with the exception 1/2 hour of #1.
my 19 year old is nut 4 it ! so i watched the 1st 2 movies , and its an interesting take on vampire lore. i wont stand in line for the new one though , i can wait for it to come out on video ..........
Never seen it. Not going to, either.
My wife says it's all over her facebook friend's junk but it reminds her of this...


I have seen the first 2 movies also.Not too bad I will wait for dvd to see the 3rd one.I also read the books they where much better than the movies.