New member
I know I'm still somewhat new to the community, but I still have to tell you about my scary/intense morning and give some props to Betty and myself....
Let me start off by saying that I usually never work on Monday's. Only working today because management had to work tonight so I was asked to work today. Why is that important? Well, if it was a normal Monday, I would have been sleeping in as usual. Instead.....
....I left for work just like any other typical work day. Took my same route, I-70 during rushhour east to Aurora from the Mousetrap, and took all the same lanes as normal. What is different and so worth the time you've taken to read this you ask? I was driving in the right lane, looking to merge into the middle lane whenever was convieniant. Speed was about 30 mph and I saw a nice size gap in front of the semi driving next to me. I waited until the traffic in front of my passed the semi enough so that I could pass the semi (which I always leave room for and don't cut off like some) Signal on, I got ready to switch lanes. Looked in my mirrors, checked my blind this is where it gets I was looking back from the blind spot (10th of a second or so) and was starting to move over to the left. I saw the car in front of me in the lane I was in slowed to an almost stop to let cars in off the onramp. (anyone who knows the Stock Show area of I-70 knows what I'm talking about). Well needless to say I only had a few feet before My Jeep and the car in front of me met bumper to bumper. So I did a quick turn to get around the car, which worked fine. It was after I tried to get straight in the middle lane that I went
I started to fishtail, overcorrected and began a series of SERIOUS "jerky" fishtails (4 in all) in which I had only 2 tires touching the ground at one time. Drivers side went up, tried to correct, passengers side went up, tried to correct, drivers side went up again, tried to correct, passengers side went up again more than the first time (at this point my brain was telling me "you're going to roll the Jeep on the side" and "your Jeep is gonna be F'd up!!" while looking at the pavement), tired to correct and somehow got it to land and stay on all four tires!!! Surprisingly, I did not hit any other vehical or anything else for that matter. I do not know how that was possible but I managed it. So I pulled over, took a few deep breaths to regain myself. When I got myself together, I got out to check the damage (felt like at least 2/3 tires were flat). All that happened (at least that I know of right now) was my rear passengers tire popped off the rim and I got a small scrape on my left leg.
This could have been so much worse. During it I thought for sure I was going over and my Jeep was screwed for sure. I am so thankful I did not hurt anyone else, thier vehical, my Jeep or myself!! 4 chances to roll and nothing. A lifted High Profile Jeep and I manage to keep it upright. Many chances for damage and just a flat tire which was fixed for free. A free tow, due to changing my insurance a week ago and adding free towing and my dad, who doesn't mind waking up to come drive me around to fix my his Jeep (Thanks Dad)!! With all the luck I had I do have to give myself some props for my knowledge of driving and correcting spinouts. I am just SO thankful/happy the Jeep did not roll and Betty is sitting in the driveway right now just as she should be at this time!!!
I have had close calls while out on the trails and such, but you get in a mindset that something may and will happen when 4 wheelin'. This was a totally different feeling. One I do not want to feel again any time soon.
Well this was long winded, but I just had to get it out of my head. Haven't had a chance to really reflect on work had me come in even after this happened and wanted me to stay late. I told them I would come in but I'm leaving at my regular time, which I did!
Let me start off by saying that I usually never work on Monday's. Only working today because management had to work tonight so I was asked to work today. Why is that important? Well, if it was a normal Monday, I would have been sleeping in as usual. Instead.....
....I left for work just like any other typical work day. Took my same route, I-70 during rushhour east to Aurora from the Mousetrap, and took all the same lanes as normal. What is different and so worth the time you've taken to read this you ask? I was driving in the right lane, looking to merge into the middle lane whenever was convieniant. Speed was about 30 mph and I saw a nice size gap in front of the semi driving next to me. I waited until the traffic in front of my passed the semi enough so that I could pass the semi (which I always leave room for and don't cut off like some) Signal on, I got ready to switch lanes. Looked in my mirrors, checked my blind this is where it gets I was looking back from the blind spot (10th of a second or so) and was starting to move over to the left. I saw the car in front of me in the lane I was in slowed to an almost stop to let cars in off the onramp. (anyone who knows the Stock Show area of I-70 knows what I'm talking about). Well needless to say I only had a few feet before My Jeep and the car in front of me met bumper to bumper. So I did a quick turn to get around the car, which worked fine. It was after I tried to get straight in the middle lane that I went

I started to fishtail, overcorrected and began a series of SERIOUS "jerky" fishtails (4 in all) in which I had only 2 tires touching the ground at one time. Drivers side went up, tried to correct, passengers side went up, tried to correct, drivers side went up again, tried to correct, passengers side went up again more than the first time (at this point my brain was telling me "you're going to roll the Jeep on the side" and "your Jeep is gonna be F'd up!!" while looking at the pavement), tired to correct and somehow got it to land and stay on all four tires!!! Surprisingly, I did not hit any other vehical or anything else for that matter. I do not know how that was possible but I managed it. So I pulled over, took a few deep breaths to regain myself. When I got myself together, I got out to check the damage (felt like at least 2/3 tires were flat). All that happened (at least that I know of right now) was my rear passengers tire popped off the rim and I got a small scrape on my left leg.
This could have been so much worse. During it I thought for sure I was going over and my Jeep was screwed for sure. I am so thankful I did not hurt anyone else, thier vehical, my Jeep or myself!! 4 chances to roll and nothing. A lifted High Profile Jeep and I manage to keep it upright. Many chances for damage and just a flat tire which was fixed for free. A free tow, due to changing my insurance a week ago and adding free towing and my dad, who doesn't mind waking up to come drive me around to fix my his Jeep (Thanks Dad)!! With all the luck I had I do have to give myself some props for my knowledge of driving and correcting spinouts. I am just SO thankful/happy the Jeep did not roll and Betty is sitting in the driveway right now just as she should be at this time!!!
I have had close calls while out on the trails and such, but you get in a mindset that something may and will happen when 4 wheelin'. This was a totally different feeling. One I do not want to feel again any time soon.
Well this was long winded, but I just had to get it out of my head. Haven't had a chance to really reflect on work had me come in even after this happened and wanted me to stay late. I told them I would come in but I'm leaving at my regular time, which I did!