Depending on how the company sets up your hourly pay, Flag time or a flatrate pay. For the most part, flagtime is better than the flatrate pay. Example, If the book time to repair a certain task calls for 2.5hrs and you can perform that task efficiently and accurately within 1.5hrs, you still get paid 2.5 for that task. In this case, IF the dealership you are working for is really busy and your schedule has been marked full for the days appointments then finish them all before the day is over and still can do some walk in work, you'll be banking it. On the other hand, IF there's not much work coming in and your schedule in the service dept. is barely getting you by, then your pay suffers. That's when a technician would wish he was on salary. Regardless of what type of hours he turns over, he still gets paid the same however, your for sure to expect the crappiest jobs in that case. Look for a dealership that will pay you to go to school and be a masters tech up to the highest level and pay for all the expenses required for you to complete the education standards required by the dealership. Chrysler does that, i know cause i'm one of them. After establishing your performance at the dealership you choose, the pay varies from the low $19/hr to $40/ hr. Again, that pay figures depends where and who you work for. ASE certifications are good to have however, the bottom line is, it's just a piece of paper that tells you what you know about the general perspective in diagnosing a vehicle but nothing specific as to learning and testing at a manufacturers level of performance. Good Luck..