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Well i've been looking into different types of lifts and deciding what i should do. At first i was gonna do a 3 inch body lift and that was a big no-no so i was just gonna do a 1 inch body lift and a 1 1/2 shackle but i was shunned for this idea. So it came down to a suspension lift or an SOA. Im not really sure of what a suspension lift is but i understand how the SOA works . . . . i think. Correct me if im wrong but this is what i have concluded, an SOA gives up to 5 1/2 inches of lift while a regular suspension is like 4. An SOA gives you more flex but over time the leaf springs began to sag so you have to replace them . . . ummm . . . . they both require work down to other parts of the jeep because of the added height like brake line lengthening, some work to the steering, and putting in an SYE or dropping the tranfer case. I think an SOA would be cheaper but im not sure . . . i was thinking i want to do the SOA because it seemed like the better and cooler way to go but im not quite sure so i figured i would ask. Any Thoughts??? ~ Justin
~ Sorry for the long post where i just ramble on . . . hehe
~ Sorry for the long post where i just ramble on . . . hehe