All the new Jeeperz!


New member
First off...WELCOME! :lol:

You guys need to fill out your profiles and account pages so everyone can see where you are from

<-------------lots of info in that little space! :D

RE: hilarious mockup pic of my car! photoshopped!

testing my profile
felix_santi said:
Just a howdy from El Paso. As they say, happy trails.

Felix, I'm in Las Cruces, and just moved here from El Paso. I'm in "Chuco" quite often visiting friends. Maybe I'll see you at Americas or Red Sands.

But LC has the best wheeling in the region!

If you ever come up...bring me some Chico's Tacos!! :lol:

An addendum: Firstly, welcome :) Good to see so many stumbling across this little site... My advice: stay... Seriously... I came on because I had a couple problems with my Jeep... But I stayed, because this is one of the most pleasant boards, with the most pleasant people that I have ever seen... And this is coming from someone who hates everyone and everything half the year :mrgreen: ... So please, stay a while, post some threads... Our general chat has covered more topics than the Simpsons and South Park combined, and you never know what's gonna happen next... So, welcome welcome everyone, hope to see you all around for a while...
RE: Computer Problems


I won't argue about the wheeling up at LC. Since moving here in Sept, I've hit the mtns/ trails there twice a month...have this thing for the ledges and Broadway. Down in EP, mostly do Jaundo's Pass since its only 5 minutes from the house.

I'll be up there again during Chili Challenge, so far signed up for a run a day that week. May even sneak a couple runs before they open up since I'm on vacation that week anyway.

Hope to see you out on the trail. I've been known to need a strap every third blue moon.

Bounty_hunter, a howdy to you again. Seems I keep seeing that nick where ever I go. Still have a bunch of pics from that Shawnee run I did with SIJA. Now if I can forget getting stuck and jammed up against the tree that day..*cough*

RE: Computer Problems

felix_santi said:

I won't argue about the wheeling up at LC. Since moving here in Sept, I've hit the mtns/ trails there twice a month...have this thing for the ledges and Broadway. Down in EP, mostly do Jaundo's Pass since its only 5 minutes from the house.

I'll be up there again during Chili Challenge, so far signed up for a run a day that week. May even sneak a couple runs before they open up since I'm on vacation that week anyway.

Hope to see you out on the trail. I've been known to need a strap every third blue moon.

Bounty_hunter, a howdy to you again. Seems I keep seeing that nick where ever I go. Still have a bunch of pics from that Shawnee run I did with SIJA. Now if I can forget getting stuck and jammed up against the tree that day..*cough*


Don't forget the Chico's Tacos!!! :wink: