A Man of His word.

No fucking <edited what the software didn't>? <edited what the software didn't> cock sucking mother fucker this is enough to peel the skin off my cock and<edited what the software didn't>, and rip the hair right out of my fucking asshole!!

More on topic: I had a friend like that. Back in the day, I helped him move every 3 months for 2 years, because he'd pay the first month's rent, then wait to be evicted. Come time for me to move two blocks and where is he? Nowhere to be seen after promising to bring his truck and help. What's that old saying? Burn me once......

Unfortunately, my stepson is kind of the same way. He borrows my tools and never brings them back. I have to drive 30 miles to go get them myself, then they are always dirty, broken, or missing. I still love him like he's my own son, but come on. When and where do you draw the line with him? His mom asked him several times to come over and help us with some remodeling. He'd say sure, then never show up. But, when she asks him over for dinner, he comes with enough appetite for 5 people, and stays till way late at night (early in the morning) when he knows we need to get up early the next day. I've nicknamed him "Government Cheese"....if ya don't get it, you never heard the song.....

EDIT: Oops!!! Apparently the software needs some work!!!! I'm so fucking embarassed!!!!

Expressing love stinky? :lol: