97 Wrangler turn signal problem


New member

Hi guys, i have a problem. my 97 wrangler turn signal is not working correctly. it clicks/blinks VERY fast when i turn it on and stops completely when i put my foot on the break. any ideas? i think theres a short but what can i try to rectify the problem? please email me if you have any suggestions!

thanks in advance!!![addsig]


Try checking the turn signal fluid. It should be checked every 75,000 blinks and changed every 150,000 blinks. :-D But seriously, I have absolutely no idea. Someone else should prob be able to help you.


Tarsij, that was hilarious. I was due for a good chuckle. I gotta remember that one. thanks dude.[addsig]


Yeah, one of my friends had a problem with her turn signals, her switch was broken so when she went to turn one on it didnt work. I told her to check the turn signal fluid and that the resevoir was under the hood right next to the winshield washer fluid bottle. She came back the next day all frantic because she couldnt find it. She thought it fell off and thats why they weren't working. I didnt have the heart to keep messing with her so I changed out the switch for her. It was a good laugh, but she was pissed at me for like a week.


edited by: tarsij, Apr 23, 2003 - 03:19 PM[addsig]

I have had that turn signal problem in other vehicles and the first thing I did was follow wires to try to find lose ones. Both times after playing with the wires it started working fine again. Which leaves to me to believe something was loose. [addsig]

ok, this takes the cake! i just finished pullin and re-inserting all the fuses that relate to the turn signals. then i unpluged and repluged the drivers side turn signal. guess what?? its working fine! didnt seem lose but its fine now! too freakin funny!!![addsig]