97 Sahara problems


New member
I'm finding more and more problems with my 97. In an earlier thread I talked about the rear end popping noises when taking off. The passenger side wheel seems to be sticking out a little past the flare, while the drivers side is a couple of inches inset. So I started looking around and all the body mounts seem to be intact. I was turning the wheel back and forth and about 3/4 of the way to the right it felt like something was binding through the steering wheel. As I had my dad turning it while I looked underneath I could see nothing out ordinary. When I popped the hood, I noticed that the steering wheel shaft was rubbing against the inner fender well. Could this have to do with the rear end looking shifted over? has the body Shifted? Has anyone ever ran across this? All the body mounts seem to look ok. I did notice when I took the wheels off that the bushing where the rear coil meets the frame is in pretty bad shape?
Track bar

control arms (4)

tie rod / drag link

take it to a mechanic that knows jeeps and have him take a look undernear.

he will be able to tell you in 10 seconds.

could be more than one problem causing the condition

Good Luck
Do what the other post say but first site down the body from end to end, both sides. Get your eye as close to the body as you can and still see the other end. Does the body have a “bow” or curve? (Pushed in at the middle on one side and pushed out on the other?) If yes then your frame may be bent. (This comes form the “been there, done that” file) Maybe the jeep was hit or over wheeled before you got it. It amazes me how many inexperienced drives think that jeeps were built to fly……

If not, then go to the other steps given.

lift and track bar jive as already mentioned.

these frames are light...looks like 1/8" at best...part of the "solid" is in the mounted body.

do the above eyeball check, but run strings...if the body is bowed, you'll see it.