94 YJ Purchase


New member
I need some help. I have a 94 6 cylinder 5 speed wrangler with 116,000 miles on it. I have owned it for about a year and a half. I have worked out a few bugs and now it runs and drives great and burns very little oil.

My problem is i came across an identical YJ with 53,000 miles on it and he is only asking $5,000.00 for it. I already drove it and it looks and drives good. The guy is the original owner, has all the maintenance recepts, never off road, ect.

I think i could sell mine for close to what he is asking as mine is very clean. Should i leave my beloved red wrangler with 116,000 miles on it or go for the green wrangler with 53,000 miles on it ? What would you do.???

prolly come a bit short of 5000. But it'll help out with the 5000 the guy is asking for.
hmm, that's a tough one. If it were me, I would keep the one you have. You know everything about it already, and nothing surprising will come up in the near future (hopefully!). That's just my opinion though.
I would buy the YJ, choose the top/door/wheel/seats and whatever other parts that are the best condition or color you prefer, and then sell the older one. 53K miles!!! I don't think I would pass that up. You should definately be able to get enough back for your Jeep to make it well worth it. I'd look it over real well but being in Cali. it's probably rust free.


Thanks for your comments 88 wrangles & TC, Those are the qustions i am struggeling with. I know my jeep but the one wiht the 53k miles is tempting. I will have to swap my 2.5 Rubicon Express lift and 32" MTR'S. Also i recenltly replace the ball joints and tire rod ends so I will probably swap axles as well. The 53K one has 3.55 gears and mine has 3.72 so to save my new front end i will have to swap both axels.

I would really appreciate any more coments you all might have.

As a side note i sure would like to send you guys back east some of our so cal jeeps. The one doing the SOA in the recent post looks so rusted. Being in so cal i could never wrench on a jeep like that. I guess were are spoiled here with no rust.

I would keep the jeep you have, and buy the other one. Nothing wrong with 2 jeep except you will never have money for as long as you own them.
Dude, we still havent gone wheeling! Prolly wont be able to until next year. I got long winter project andf my jeep wont be driveable.

I say keep the jeep you have. You've already done good mods. And you know what it's problems are.

Hope to see you on the trail soon.
Hello Sully Nice to hear from you. I hope we can go whelling when you get done. I read about your Rubicon trip which sounded great.

I want to thank you guys for your input. One of the toughest parts of this is my wife gave me the ok on this, that is usually the toughest part to sell on my jeep projects. anyway i think i will just stick with my Jeep.

Unfortunately the best swap in the project is probably the most unethical. I was thinking of the many ways to make this work and one idea was to take the engine and trans from the 53K mile jeep and put it in mine and then put my motor and trans in the other jeep and sell it. I just dont think i would have mush luck selling a jeep that has 53k on the odometer and then i tell them the motor and trans have 116k on them.

Oh well i guess some projects are just not ment to be.