54 cj3b 4.3 sm465 build

well got one side of lift in to find I'm missing the spring pack clips and U bolts are too short :x never a dull moment every thing going smoothly to stop abruptly some times I think building a jeep is like a soap opera
called Quadratec to find out clips are 4 months back order WTF
found some spring clips here locally and ordered set of U bolts should be ready to pick up this afternoon
I will never deal with Quadratec again everything I ordered from them was missing something
got rear lift in to find it dropped my rear end 2 inches
called quadratec they called me a liar said a lift will not lower a jeep there attitudes suck no more business from me
called manufacturer of springs told them my problem and how quadratec was promoting there company he said get springs re arched and send them bill
since springs some how were not arched correctly
And he will deal with quadratec
thank you black diamond

Alright John, I hate it, (yeah, it's just jealosy, ha ha) looking great. Mines still in stall mode due to money, (or should I say the LACK of it) but should be taking off with it again in a few more mos.
tell ya what get a little more jealous lol it will come in time

this is what I started with and now where I am
theres still a bunch that needs to be done but it will real soon , I also changed my finish deadline from April 2011 to January 2011 now if I can only get it done :D:p:lol:

I can tell you the secret
break out credit card and don't look back
but wait till you see the bill:cry:
and yes you'll love the final outcome


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got rear lift in to find it dropped my rear end 2 inches
called quadratec they called me a liar said a lift will not lower a jeep there attitudes suck no more business from me
called manufacturer of springs told them my problem and how quadratec was promoting there company he said get springs re arched and send them bill
since springs some how were not arched correctly
And he will deal with quadratec
thank you black diamond

i've had better luck with q-tech then 4wd.com, they suck ! wehn i got my 3b lift i picked it up at there ware house, and i asked the guy why 2 of springs were shorter, and not double wraped. so it went over the pick sheet with me, and said call him if there was any problems.. all was good:D 4wd.com sent me the wrong pitman arm, and charged me to ship it back. i ordered it from q-tech same part # and got the right thing..

the build looks good, mine is taking longer then i thought.. lack of funds hurts too.

well my January deadline didn't happen neither did my April deadline and it's not because of lack of funds , And now I'm getting bummed snow again!!!
snow snow go away Johnny wants to go out and play , here it may 19 snowing hard expecting 6 to 8 inches , whoopieeeeeeeeeeeee Guess no may flowers this year

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