1988 cherokee steering column looseness


New member
I have a 1988 cherokee and the steering column is loose as a goose. Not the front end, but the column itself. I have started taking it apart (got as far as the steering wheel) and I was wondering if anyone knows what could be causing this looseness? Does something wear out in the column? How tough is the rest of the disassembly? Any suggestions would be appreciated...thanks!
I can't promise you this is correct for your Jeep and situation, but many american made tilt steering columns I have worked on, when they get loose like you are describing, you can pull the wheel, with a simple pulling kit, and there are two or three, fine threaded bolts, down inside the column you can retighten and fix it. I have even used some medium strength locktite to keep them tight. Look into it.

I think I'm past that. Are the bolts torex types screws about 1/4 or 5/16 inch in diamter and about 3/4" long? If that's them...they were tight. My question to you would be..."how does the steering column tilt mechanism work?" I think that is what's wrong. There is a 3" long rod that threads into the column on the left side and it does nothing...and I think it's supposed to lock the tilt. Any ideas on how it works, or how to fix it if it isn't? Thanks in advance for your help.
Sound Man,
Thank you very much...I didn't realize there was 4 screws ( I attacked it a different way) so I'll tighten the other 2 before reassembling. The pictures will absolutely help getting it back together :-) This repair has taken so long that I was worried I would forget "what went where". My final thought would be "what were they thinking when they designed the column so the 4 screws could loosen be themselves?"
Thanks again for everyone's help...I should have the jeep back on the road by noon today! :-)

Well look who showed up :P

Good to see you around Sound Man :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
Remember to use locktite or a similar product on those bolts. You really dont want to open that back up again anytime soon. Well, I know I don't want to go through that again!
XJNick said:

Well look who showed up :P

Good to see you around Sound Man :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

I have been going through some rough times. Things have got to settle down soon! It is good to be back here! :D

Ok, so the nylon horn button and spring jumped out while I was reassembling. I tried spring, plunger (with large diameter inside hole) nylon spacer...and the horn was on all the time. I tried spacer, sprng and plunger going through spacer and spring...horn did not sound at all. I realize this is child's play for anyone who has taken one apart before (mine took itself apart)...any help would be appreciated. Thanks.