1979 CJ Won't start


New member
Hey guys, have a problem. I have some back firing so I'm going through my tuning stages. After doing my timing which is very hard to do when there are no lines to set my timing with, it won't start, nothing, like the battery is totally dead yet I have a full battery. Did I do something by turning the distributor slightly. There is not even a clicking noise from the starter. It's a CJ 258 with a new Weber carb, new starter solenoid, new spark plugs. Any help would be appreciated.

The fact that your starter is not engaging or even "clicking" makes me believe that you have a wiring problem. Verify connections to your starter relay & from your starter relay to your starter. I suspect your not getting voltage to your starter.

1979? It's worn out. Buy a new one.


Cleary you are not familiar with Jeeps. A 1979 CJ is in it's prime!!! Old Jeeps don't wear out, like wine, they just improve with age!!!!!!
as long as you don't live by the coast. my poor 87 wrangler is slowly returning to its natural state. its a constant fight to stop the metal from rusting away
The first sign they're bout to kick the bucket is when they start backfiring. Buckin and kickin and then, finally, they won't start. Trouble, nuthin but trouble. That's one old Jeep. They don't last forever ya know!


So, did you get that old rattle trap started?

It's working, it was the starter relay, still don't have a cure for my back firing, set my timing and tried every adjustment on my carb but no success.
backfiring: carb or timing!
bring your engine to TDC, make sure your rotor button is pointing to #1 spark plug tower at distributer. Make a reference mark on your balancer and timing cover, that is "0" or TDC. Adjust your timing from there, or go to a performance shop and buy a timing tape for around $7 and set the time.. Another possibility could be a worn cam lobe, take off your valve cover and crank the engine while watching your rocker arm move up and down. You are looking to see if they all come up roughly the same height, if one or more don't come up as high as the others your cam is worn.

Thanks good advice. I checked my spark plugs and they look very white like I'm running to lean, any suggestion how to adjust that, could it be my electric choke, it only opens up when I hit the gas then it closes again.
Once the engine warms up the choke should stay open. Sounds like you're getting to much fuel on deceleration. Fuel in the exhaust system. You're gonna blow your mufflers off!

If your lean then you need more fuel not less, but as said above unburnt gas in the exhaust will backfire on deceleration. Im not real familiar with the 258 single barrel carbs so im not sure how the adjustments are.

I think the adjustmentd are

1: unbolt from intake
2: set on bench
3: bolt newer carb in place

It could very easily be worn out
My choke is working again, blown fuse. Any one know where this vacuum line go's I have it capped off right now, it sucks really hard, I think it should be plugged in somewhere.

it would go to your cto valve but you can use it for other things, or use it for nothing. its manifold vacuum, is why it sucks alot. you can use it for timing or anything you wish, if you need vacuum for something. i believe mine is capped, or was capped when i had the i6 in my ol jeep