05 TJ Trans problems :-(


Active member
My 05 has 150k & an auto trans & on my way to work this morning it would start jumping around 2500 rpm... Has it gone bad?

After 2500 it drops & jumps like it's running out of gas... But revs fine in neutral :'(
when is the last time you serviced the transmission? I know the book calls for 60k but, I always do mine at or around 15k or so to be safe. Fluid is much cheaper than a new transmission or overhaul. Hopefully, its not to far gone. Check your fluid level too because, these transmission's are really picky. Being a quart low can make it act funny.

Are you sure its the trany jumping and not the engine? The engine can rev fine in neutral, but in gear (under a load) it can miss and you will feel it jumping. 2500rpm,s is def a load. Its kinda like setting the timing, the engine may sound fine at idle but when you drive it under a load, thats when you find out if its right or not. Im not saying its your engine, but it is a good posibility, are the plugs and wires in good shape. A bad O2 sensor will cause it to jump around also.