04 Grand Cherokee 4.0L


New member
I have replaced the crankshaft position sensor, camshaft position sensor, coil strip, asd relay n fuse, checked fuel all is good there. But still won’t start and have no spark, I’m stumped and don’t know what else to do.

First check your battery. Get it load tested. Then clean terminals and grounds. They cause weird issues and codes.
Was the CKP OEM that makes a difference?
P1388 ASD relay. Worth swapping with the horn to see if that is it.
p320 cKP sensor maybe bad out of the box. Be sure new has a spacer. Otherwise it could crack on first start if inserted too far.
P1489 and P1490 are cooling fan speed errors.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
Had the battery checked already.
An the CKP was an oem replacement.
I put a brand new asd relay in.
Already double checked the CKP.
And don’t know about the cooling fan errors.

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Does this have a security system?


Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up. -Jesse Jackson
If I recall there is a way to reset the sentry system if that is the issue. First you are using stock keys. Correct?
I'll have to dig a bit to find the process steps.


Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up. -Jesse Jackson

Double check all your electrical connections. I was stumped yrs ago with my 76 F100 4x4. I had a short section of the wire harness that checked good when you put the probes on it but was dead when you took the probe off. I had replaced most of the ignition components before I discovered those wires were bad [I had checked it multiple times]