00 TJ Radiator

Have you tried E-bay?. It would be difficult to find a good Radiator thats Cheap. i went that Route before on my CJ. it lasted a little over a year. got it re-sealed but it leaked somewhere else. got tired of fixing it. Logged on E-Bay and after searching for 20 mins. i found an Aluminum Radiator 4 core Brand new. bought it for 320.00. i havent had any problem since then.its been 6 years now and still running cool. so if you want something that will last, spend the extra cash. its worth it.
you really dont want to go too cheap w/your radiator - it's pretty crucial - i wouldnt go dealer but make sure you get quality...its not something you'll have to change out often and you dont want to get stranded to save a couple $$... and i second the e-bay thing if you cant find a good one local.... just my $.02
Thanks guys, I will check out ebay also. Now, second question, it looks like a pretty easy install, am I correct? Thanks again. KJ
yea.. install is a no brainer - just take out what you need to get it to clear - and remember the order for reassembly - it should just lift straight up once you get it clear - there are only usually 4 bolts holding it to the rad support - of course i'm used to old rides - yours may have more to pull... but its probably one of the easiest things to swap... get a manual if your not sure... it'll walk ya thru it and im sure you'll get more specific posts here after mine...

I believe if you go to 4x4xplor, go to mods then go to TJ you will see a complete build up of the all metal radiator from the site B.H. sent you.