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  1. hoobness

    oil presure gauge

    RE: I need a "how to" on replacing a clutch on a its too cheap and easy not to change.
  2. hoobness

    I need a "how to" on replacing a clutch on a '97 W

    RE: Re: RE: Best way to remove spring perches?? If youre mechanically inclined an average haynes manual avail at parts stores will suffice. Another decent one -because it has the right pictures- is "How to maintain and repair your Jeep" I got mine years ago at Barnes and Noble. The combo of...
  3. hoobness

    YJ Gauge Problem

    RE: Stripping paint I dont think you an do that. THey are all on a circuit board from the water tmp all the way accross to the oil press. It might be a ground. OR if you feel like spending money, Ill sell you my complete dash. guages and everything. I have an 87 YJ. its a black dash...
  4. hoobness

    Stripping paint

    RE: Thinking of Buying another 4x4 I was the posteree..! Its called Airplane (or Aircraft) Remover. Made by Kleen Strip. Ive seen it at average auto parts stores, Walmart, VIP Auto, Parts Plus, Sanels. If you cant find it, look in the Home paint section of a hardware store. It will go under...
  5. hoobness

    Best way to remove spring perches??

    Hey all, I need to get the perches off a set of D44s. Im swapping them into a YJ, so... they need to be moved in. I have a air powrd cut off tool, but it will take forever! Other than that I thought about a Walmart Black & Decker 10K RPM Angle Grinder - $40. Should i get the grinder? Im...
  6. hoobness

    Gas tank fix

    RE: Thinking of Buying another 4x4 I have a plastic 20 gallon 92 YJ Gas tank - its fine. No Leaks. I bought a rolling chassis for my resto. and it came with the tank. I need to get rid of it, I was going to cut it up... If you want it -- you pay to get it packaged and shipped to your home...
  7. hoobness

    OBA compressor donors

    YJ Full soft Fabric Door (spice) While were at it, how about the specs for a 4.2 (YJ) withOUT Serpentine -I have the V-belt set up. No AC, Its a York 210R.
  8. hoobness

    how do I wire my new taurus fan ? the link
  9. hoobness

    how do I wire my new taurus fan ?

    After looking at a few diagrams, I like XJNicks the best. I also think its pretty credible _have you seen this electric jeep he made?!! Anyway, I dont have AC, and am not interested in an automatic temperature controlled set up. --Ideally I want -hopefully in the same switch- to be able to...
  10. hoobness

    Spring perch attachment for YJ from FSJ (D 44)

    RE: Fire up the BBQ grill !!! good point
  11. hoobness

    how do I wire my new taurus fan ?

    I have a 3.8L Taurus fan, when i remove it I cut the wires just past the plug to the fan. - I figure that way when this Taurus fan kick the dust, it will make it that much easier to replace... Anyway, what wires are POS/NEG...? there are 3 wires coming from the fan, BRN/YLW, BRN/RED and a BLK...
  12. hoobness

    OBA compressor donors

    Re: RE: Re: RE: Chat now! Sunday night! NOW your talking!! Hope this helps those looking to inexpensivly get some good OBA!
  13. hoobness

    OBA compressor donors

    Friday I spend a few hrs at the pick u part and scored a York 210R amongst others. Just in case anyone is looking for one, here is a list of possible donors fotr the York 210 L or R (left or right suction) I did notice a trend... 20+ year old vehicles are your best bet (technology...
  14. hoobness

    which Junkyard "car" seats fit YJs?

    I was at the junyard friday, scored a 3.8L ford fan, an old York 210R compressor, and looked around for seats. my YJ measured roughly 15x15" and thats what I looked for. Mustang, yes they will fit, and thaks to gadget for noticing the thickness of the seats... They were at least 1.5" closer...
  15. hoobness

    Spring perch attachment for YJ from FSJ (D 44)

    thanks guys, Im waiting for the Diff shop to call me with the finished regearing.. then Ill get to this dreaded spring perch attachment... Funny, I wasnt the least bit worried about it until i spoke to a concerned 4x4 shop - said they wouldnt do it- for liability/safety issues- OF course Im...
  16. hoobness

    Spring perch attachment for YJ from FSJ (D 44)

    thanks Junpile, that what I thought would happen if i lined up one end... And thats enough to make me center it.
  17. hoobness

    Spring perch attachment for YJ from FSJ (D 44)

    RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Owiiieeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not to beat this to death... >> but about the "use the same driver's side spring perch and weld the pass. side spring perch..." wouldnt that cause the axle to ride 1 inch over to the passenger side? (each perch needs to come in .5") --thus...
  18. hoobness

    Spring perch attachment for YJ from FSJ (D 44)

    I have a 1" shackle lift, 4" susp lift. do you think the front pinion needs to be pointed in any new direction?
  19. hoobness

    Spring perch attachment for YJ from FSJ (D 44)

    Re: RE: Re: RE: A not so satisfied user The way I think of doing this is : ((if i get my welder to do it.. Id do the folowing while he sits and waits next to me to weld where i need...)) 1] dropping the shackle side of the springs, 2] rolling in the axle(on wheels), 3] re-attaching the...
  20. hoobness

    Spring perch attachment for YJ from FSJ (D 44)

    thanks Hey all, Im past the halfway point on my YJ rebuild project and Im running into problems with the spring perches on the Dana 44s I got from a 88 FSJ. As we all know the perches on the D44s from a FSJ are not where a YJ needs them... The problem Is local 4x4 shops around here are not...