what is the best cd to listen to while crusing with the top

Trent Tomlinson is my new fav. for driving, top back,...When crawling though,... gotta stick with Mr. Stevie Ray Vaughan,... nothing better than Texas Flood and Tin Pan Alley!!!

Sad times have befallen Sparky.....a couple of weeks ago, we made the plunge into Autumn. Temps have been in the 40's and 50's in the mornings and highs in the 70's. Much as I enjoy the drive home topless in the 70's, 45 degrees on the way to work is much, much too chilly to go topless. I had to put the top back on last weekend.:(
Now that we have covered favorites, Let's switch gears.
What kind of music do you absolutely hate to hear while chillin in your Jeep.

My top 10:
1. Captain and Tenile
2. Falco
3. Any rap music newer than N.W.A. with the exception of the Beastie Boys and maybe a little Kid Rock if you consider that rap music.
4. Carly Simon
5. That song "Black Velvet" puts me in a murderous rage
6. Anything form the Chipmunks Christmas Collection
7. Britney Spears, even though she's fine.
8. Country Singer Joe Diffy and "John Deere Green!"
9. The soundtrack to Grease...and chick music in general.
10. Mutha Effin Falco!