New profile posts

So you go from an adorable pic with gingers to a bad ass pic. Nice scenery. You climb those hills?
Hey Gohot!!! :) They call us Jeepacorns on this site. lol. I hear a jeep adds sexy to a woman almost as much as camo and a gun does to a man. ;) Makes me pretty confident. All you need now is a profile pic.
it lets me post if i follow the link from your profile. if i go to groups, in the community section, it won;t let me.

let me try again really quickly though, to make sure i didn;t mess something up
Carbb Rebuild post - you typed 'law mowers'. lol. Slip I'm sure, but maybe a freudian slip. Keep it there, b/c that's freakin hilarious and awesome. The law could use a good trim! 8)
I invited you. IDK why you didn't get it. untamed said it was in his notificatins. My understanding is that you wouldn't be able to post if you weren't a member.
I just order for it to be "more adorable" it has to be adorable first...thanx :)
They are mine...I think:)... they have been visiting my sister for the last few weeks but get back tomorrow and they said...and I quote "dad when we get back can we go 4x4 wheeling in the bumpy rig?"...ya they are great kids.
Aaaawww. Cute kids. Did you put kids in the pic to make it more adorable, or are they yours? lol
Hey JohnnyO! Visiting your page because you are on the cover page of the forum under random member profile!!! Good to see you! lol
Hey JohnnyO! Visiting your page because you are on the cover page of the forum under random member profile!!! Good to meet you!
Hey Steelheadz,
Again Just wanted to say thanks for all the help. Also, Noticed you have in your post's you are looking for gears. Try Got my axle bearings from them. GREAT Customer Service. Fairly reasonable prices and got the parts to me next day. They have live chat too.