Your Favorite All Time Jeep Photos

jeepjeep! said:
Lol me too we get snow here in tennessee but maybe three to four inches at a time, never too deep, but never the less people can't drive in it, just take a look at my last jeep! It was 2wd and would go anywhere until a woman I was behind decided to jam on her brakes on an iced over road. . Anyways looking g foward to using the wj or the wifes xj to pull some folks out! Can't wait for the holidays.

Nice! For some reason this looks very familiar.


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dustin g said:
Nice! For some reason this looks very familiar.

Its not that I was stuck. I think I could have gotten out but that persons yard would have suffered dearly. A passer by used his backhoe to pull me out.

My 85 CJ7 with a 304 😃

Sent from my iPhone using Jeepz


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found these pictures online, looks like he bit off more than he could chew


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It was 70 yesterday when I crossed the border heading back north to Las Cruces. Windshield is down tho and warm and hot and sunny. Really sunny down in Rio Brados, MX where I have been for the last 3 weeks. Nice country though. REpainted most of VEX Cummins tan while down there as he needed it.

much missed jeeps of the past.. and much missed friends of the past..


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My brother-in-law Andrew's '04 Rubicon on a recent Jeep run at Barnwell Mountain OHV Park, in Gilmer (East) Texas. Andrew driving, me riding shotgun and Ashley in the back.


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larrymo49 said:
My brother-in-law Andrew's '04 Rubicon on a recent Jeep run at Barnwell Mountain OHV Park, in Gilmer (East) Texas. Andrew driving, me riding shotgun and Ashley in the back.

Awesome pic, love when the back tire Buries its self into the body ! Only in a jeep! :-D
Hi everyone, Robert here.

Just got back in and all sorts of news. I found out from my upper boss at NASA, Bert Ulrich, dear friend, that my latest NASA painting will be the official NASA piece celebrating the end of the STS era (Space Shuttle era), and I post a copy here for preview:


It is a 36"x60", oil on panel, and entitled: "STS135-Atlantis, Recuerdo (I remember)". In the collection of NASA-Smithsonian, and The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

Bert Ulrich, my director in Washington, and my other boss at NASA-KSC, Pam Steele, found some other photos of me and I found more also at the NASA archives of me leaving Casablanca heading east to Tobruk and Mali Empire, Timbuktu. I'll load them up to FB when I get them formatted in the next few days.




If any of these are repeats, forgive the brevity. The ones I will be posting are from 2008 and are the north african commons heading east. I'll work on them over the weekend and holiday.

Thank you everyone,

Robert--Hail, NASA
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Robert_Stephens said:
Hi everyone, Robert here.

Just got back in and all sorts of news. I found out from my upper boss at NASA, Bert Ulrich, dear friend, that my latest NASA painting will be the official NASA piece celebrating the end of the STS era (Space Shuttle era), and I post a copy here for preview:

It is a 6x60, oil on panel, and entitled: "STS135-Atlantis, Recuerdo (I remember".

Bert and my other boss at NASA-KSC, Pam Steele, found some other photos of me and I found more also at the NASa archives of me leaving Casablanca heading east to Tobruk and Mali Empire, Timbuktu. I'll load them up to FB when I get them formatted in the next few days.

If any of these are repeats, forgive the brevity. The ones I will be posting are from 2008 and are the north african commons heading east. I'll work on them over the weekend and holiday.

Thank you everyone,

Robert--Hail, NASA

Very cool pics. Can't wait to see the others.
that is sweet that they are going to use your picture, robert. i am going to tell everyone i know that the guy who painted that is on our little jeep forum and he's a cool dude with tons of interesting pictures and stories from all over hte world
Thank you guys for the comments. I have been a NASA-Smithsonian Artist (SITEs=Smithsonian Traveling Exhibits) since 1984 when I was inducted into The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C..

I don't mention it much but according to Bert Ulrich director of the SITES program and other Astronaut based affairs, I am the most represented artist for NASA in its history, and the youngest to reach the mileage I did, then, at age 29. The 50th anniversary of space flight exhibit through SITES premiers, of all things, here at The Museum of Art, Las Cruces, NM, my home town now. I am now giving classes and lecturing there for all the folks that come by. If you would like to see some of my other pieces for NASA-Smithsonian you may go here to the NASA main site to preview same. Scroll down a little bit on that page.

NASA - NASA and the Arts

Also, here is one that has been moved to the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. that you may enjoy:


This is the movie poster I did for my friend, Ridley Scott, my 8th work for him, for his incredible movie "Alien vs. Predator". Ridley is a frequent visitor to NASA-KSC and I met him there through my boss, Bob Schulman (deceased), and Ridley loved my work and ask if I would do some CGI for him since I use a mac and do his move poster for his then upcoming movie of the same name. I also did the poster and many CGI shots for his first installment of "Alien". I thought you may enjoy this everyone.


This too is in the collection of NASA-Smithsonian and was on the cover of the inside NASA magazine, 'NASA Today', as shown. It is an image of the artist in the space project, and that is me in the MMU, painting the orbiter and the moon and Earth below. It is a 36"x60", oil on panel. The artist in space project, which ended after the loss of the space shuttle Challenger, Jan. 28th, 1986.


STS-80, Atlantis, Digital Image executed in Maya, 40"x70", serigraph. This was the depiction of the orbiter at T+39 seconds, as it climbed to space at 104% on a very cloud shrouded morning. Incredible launch sequence.

Thank you everyone,

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Hi Robert I too like the artwork. Im an artist myself . I can say I know the artist who done those pics and posters! Lol ill upload some of my art soon.
dang robert, that is badass that you did the alien stuff for the movies. i never even would've thought to connect someone i know to the names on those posters.