You know you drive a Jeep when....

When during a very bad snow storm your the only one making decent progress and a state trooper flags you down and wants to trade vehichles...happend to me last winter!
eric m said:
When during a very bad snow storm your the only one making decent progress and a state trooper flags you down and wants to trade vehichles...happend to me last winter!

Never had that happen, but I did pull a cop out of a ditch once during a snowstorm. :-)
(though I wasnt driving a jeep at the time, it was just a work truck.)
Icelia said:
Never had that happen, but I did pull a cop out of a ditch once during a snowstorm. :-)
(though I wasnt driving a jeep at the time, it was just a work truck.)

I hope you got a hall pass from him for the next traffic violation.

When you're walking into a store and someone says "nice rig" and you know what they mean, and people around you think you should be offended instead of saying thank you.

You freeze to death in the winter but oddly enough you remain having a smile on your face :)
When in the winter your center console is replaced by an electric space heater because fixing the heat is at the bottom of a long list

When you have an iPhone with 5 folders of "important" and they are filled with jeep forums and jeep related bookmarks

you know your a jeeper when a picture like this makes your skin crawl

bugleboy said:
when you hate rain but cant wait for it to rain (mud) lol

Puddles and high water. When u see construction and ur finally happy.