Yet another project finished... InstaTrunk


Super Moderator

Hey just thought I would show you guys my new homemade project... You can make one too! It's pretty simple, you just have to compensate for stuff that you have in your trunk... like the sub in mine. It's all here...[addsig]


cool: ?

Cost, difficulty, materials list,
you are much more talented
then I with your chosen media.
I have never worked with Al like

Well done![addsig]


What is stopping the perp from releasing the "Fold and Tumble" seat and getting all your stuff anyway?


Never mind you don't have the Release latch that I have. Or at least I didn't see one.

edited by: L33TJ33P, Apr 01, 2003 - 12:30 AM[addsig]

Cost: 6 bucks for the paint, I used scrap aluminum from at the shop I work at.
Difficulty: 5 out of 10. If you know how to weld and use a bansaw it's pretty much cake and measurements.
Materials: .080 aluminum sheet, one can of Plasticote trunk paint, and two 3" vents.
Just out of curiosity, what is your chosen media? This isn't really my chosen media, it's just convienient. I am a graphic designer, illustrator, painter first... I just learned how to do this from watching the guys in the shop downstairs from my office do it for 2 years... it's pretty fun I must admit! [addsig]



You just hit 'my' Master Jeeper list.
Cool, Concise, needed, and a heart
of sharing your experience.

Thank You Sir.[addsig]

as long as the rear door is shut the release for the fold and tumble seat is not accessable... and thanks for the spot on your list, I have only been a "jeeper" for four months now so it's much appreciated. This site inspires me to make all this stuff since I can't really do any big stuff yet (lift etc.) and I just want to show what this place inspired me to do... thanks![addsig]

That gave me a great idea for a center consoule to hold a bazoola tube. Just a metal box with foam to protect the tube a little. Then bolt it down between the front seats! Pus some padding on top for an arm rest and maybe some storage. HMMMM I need to go to my thinking spot and try to figure that out.[addsig]

My instatrunk is similar to that but it has a back part so even if the back seat is folded the trunk is still sealed...keeping your stuff totally secure. I have my bazooka tube and amp in there. Out of sight and out of mind...except when I turn on the amp hehe.[addsig]


I built one a couple of years back, still have it, and it is the nuts. I like the design! A little better than mine, I used some 1 1/2x 1 1/2 angle iron and screwed it into the fender wells with sheet metal screws.[addsig]

joop'n... you too jps4jeep,
you both ROCK!!!!! :-)

May I humbly ask for you to take,
just a few moments, and hopefully
create a HOW TO,

(you've done it already,
just refine for the purpose)

Can you imagine, the HUNDREDS
of visitors we have stop in, looking
for COOL, easy, Cheap, alternatives
that are tried and true.

and I don't think our How to has changed
much in the last six months.

Albeit, I have read many excellent fixes,
for all of our common problems.

Write it, Send it to Raven13xxx, ask for
a submission and vote by our leadership,
Our Proven and tested Brothers, and then
let's move to chronicle all of your wisdom,
I'll promise to start SEARCHING and collecting
all of the prior wisdom of all of you who choose
to share your experience and knowledge, and.....

Everyone will benefit, and Subscription should soar.
More Jeepsters only = More Help.

edited by: USMPK9, Apr 01, 2003 - 05:08 PM[addsig]


Excellent. Did you design? Nice welds. What set-up did you use, Argon?

I'm working on one for belle that will cover the entire back, much like the 'lids' you see on pu trucks - pneumatic lifts and all. Nice to see things being made. Nothing like it.

You're a lucky guy. The materials alone would be rather pricey. Good to have connections. I miss working in a job shop.



Yeah I designed it, not much of one. I accually wish I could change the design, to make the sides have a slant like the back seat. Yeah I used Argon, that's what we use at the shop for Aluminum, I actually wanted to get another job but everytime I do something like this I really like the "benefits" of working here.[addsig]

Great work, man - be proud. It's easy to give 'em your credit card number and wait for ups. Making someting just is plain cool.

Access to argon? MIG too??? Ahhhh, the power of tools.

high five. 8-)
