Wooooooo Hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Snow!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Old Man Winter finally came through for us here on the plains. We got between 4 and 8 inches in my area yesterday and last night. Here at the homestead, we ended up with 6". Took the pup out to the lake yesterday and let her play in the snow...she loved it! Sunshine and I are going again today, too. Yesterday there was about 3 inches at the lake, but reports this morning say there is now 8", so that's about enough to bury the poor little pup.....but we're taking her anyway.:D

I would love some snow please. We have the most boring weather where I live. It has been forcasting 40's and partly cloudy for weeks and that's pretty accurate. We had a spit of rain the other day and a spit of flurries the week before that. Save me from normalcy please. Send several inches of snow my way today!!!

I'm glad your enjoying it Sparky. I would be too!:cry:
I really miss the snow. I was in Flagstaff yesterday and hoped to see snow, but they peaks were dry. I keep telling the wife that "someday" we're going to move where there's snow. She just rolls her eyes at me :lol:

I got some pics of me playing in the snow, but unfortunately, they're not the best. I had a dilemna: let Sunshine drive and I take good pictures, or I drive and Sunshine takes the pictures. It came down to the fact that although she's a terrible photographer, she's even worse when it comes to driving. So, she shot the pics, blurry, off-center, and out of focus. Here are a few:





We didn't let Sonya play nearly as much as we did yesterday because it was just too cold (19f). She loves the snow, and had a ball yesterday. She roots around in the snow like a pig in mud, digging up sticks and twigs, carrying them along till she smells another to dig up. She's so cute!

Sparky, I hate to tell you, but it appears something is SERIOUSLY wrong with your YJ.........the back wheels are spinning like crazy and the front wheels aren't moving!!!!! I figure it's either Tcase or front dif.......better have that looked at! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Looks like loads of fun!!! And Sunshine did a great job, IMHO!!!!!

Im from Kansas as well. The snow was great. Be nice if it stayed through christmas however i believe it will melt by then. Nice lookin YJ by the way. Looks alot like mine. LOL
Snow, what's Snow? I just watched our weather forcast and they are predicting temps in the 70s for Xmas. And to top that off, we have been in a drought for the past year so no mud. No Mud I tell you. Nothing but dry dusty wind and an occasional tumble weed. The only good thing I can think of is at least I get to use my XJ to pull the boat to the lake and go fishing. Take Care, KJ

mud4feet said:
Sparky, I hate to tell you, but it appears something is SERIOUSLY wrong with your YJ.........the back wheels are spinning like crazy and the front wheels aren't moving!!!!! I figure it's either Tcase or front dif.......better have that looked at! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Looks like loads of fun!!! And Sunshine did a great job, IMHO!!!!!

OMG! That would explain the uncontrollable fishtailing all day yesterday!!:shock:

Sounds expensive.....could ya swing me a loan to fix it? Mechanic says my lockers need replaced (bought and installed?).:lol:
WickedYJ said:
Im from Kansas as well. The snow was great. Be nice if it stayed through christmas however i believe it will melt by then. Nice lookin YJ by the way. Looks alot like mine. LOL

Where at in KS? There are at least two other Kansas Jeepers here on the boards. Too bad we can't all get together at Tuttle Creek or Fort Scott for some trail riding......

i live in northern ontario, weve gotten dumped on in the last few days, got home from work at 6 this morning and couldnt pass up the opportunity to go and play, me and one of my co-workers who also has a jeep had a few uhhh "pepsi's" and hit the trails.... Nothing is more fun than busting through a 4 foot drift at 30 MPH