
Added quite a lot of new data to that pag aobve for those that may wish to know more technical data about their winches and such.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: for robrt-stephens

Sparky-Watts said:
Just took a look, and you left out my ex. Of course, I know too much of the technical data on that wench.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Sparky, you never cease to crack me up!! I believe we've had some similar life-experiences. My wench (ex) was an 8000 lb.'er - refering, of course, to her ability to bring you DOWN!!

And Robrt, nice tech data on winching. Just used mine to winch a '95 Mustang up on a trailer (finally sold it - a whole 'nother story). Got to use my snatch block, too. However, I have been remiss on my maintenance - just a note to all of you who own winches. Haven't used it in a while and just figured we'd hook her up, push the button, and viola!! - movement! However, didn't realize that my pos. cable had been rubbing on my exhaust manifold or that my plug cover had been loose and letting in moisture. Long story short, finally got it to work with much "plug-jimmying" and I need to work on my winch - just glad I didn't find out when stuck out in the middle of nowhere.

mud4feet said:
Sparky-Watts said:
Just took a look, and you left out my ex. Of course, I know too much of the technical data on that wench.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Sparky, you never cease to crack me up!! I believe we've had some similar life-experiences. My wench (ex) was an 8000 lb.'er - refering, of course, to her ability to bring you DOWN!!

And Robrt, nice tech data on winching. Just used mine to winch a '95 Mustang up on a trailer (finally sold it - a whole 'nother story). Got to use my snatch block, too. However, I have been remiss on my maintenance - just a note to all of you who own winches. Haven't used it in a while and just figured we'd hook her up, push the button, and viola!! - movement! However, didn't realize that my pos. cable had been rubbing on my exhaust manifold or that my plug cover had been loose and letting in moisture. Long story short, finally got it to work with much "plug-jimmying" and I need to work on my winch - just glad I didn't find out when stuck out in the middle of nowhere.

"Ouch!" That copuld have been serious has their been a fire or catastrophic short. I've learned, aat least on the CJs, to check everything fairly often. Just in case. I use the winches so much they have that much lived in look, which is good for them and the fact nothing much having to do with them is neglected.
RE: XJ passenger window

mud4feet said:
Got to use my snatch block, too.

Ain't gonna touch it...nope...wouldn't be prudent..... :shock:

It's good to have you on the board, Robert, it truly is. You've already brought a lot of knowledge, wisdom, and experience here, to add to the abundant quantities we already had with the rest of our audience of experts. You've probably forgotten more about wheeling than I'll ever know. "Behold" will be a constant part of my future readings as I add to my 20 years experience of wheeling. Actually, it'll be 20 years on May 9th since I bought my first (and only other) 4x4, my old 1985 Toyota PU.
Re: RE: News Updates.......

Sparky-Watts said:
mud4feet said:
Got to use my snatch block, too.

Ain't gonna touch it...nope...wouldn't be prudent..... :shock:................

HAHAHA!!!! Ok, Sparky, here's one to touch! We used the winch so the new buyer wouldn't have to use the "gitalongs" (mudwoman quote) and chains that they brought with them!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Her and I really are two of a kind!

always humble (for good reason),