

New member
Hi all I'm new to this app so hear me out! I am entered in a contest on Facebook to win a winch! How awesome is that!! The picture with the most "likes" wins. So I need everyones help if you can please go to "Jeep Girls Rock!" Facebook page and like my picture *it is my display picture on here* I am entry 89. I've never won anything in my life so this would me so much! Thank you guys! And if I win we'll go wheelin ;)

Helped ya out :) 119 likes so far

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Jeepz
Thank you so much! You all are so sweet! Please keep passing my post along! Have an awesome day :)
Contest update

Hi guys :) if you haven't seen I am entered in a contest to win a winch on Facebook! I am in 2nd place and need all the likes I can get :) and I'm asking my fellow jeep brothers and sisters for help! You guys have been so great to me so far and I warmly thank you all! So please go to "Jeep Girls Rock!" Facebook page find win a winch contest entries.. I am entry 89 (my picture is my display pic on here) And just simply hit like! It's the holiday season and this is my only wish lol Thank you so much

Welcome to ilexo.

Hope you win your contest. Having said that, I've merged several of your threads - it's generally frowned upon to post the same thing across several different sections of the forum. Just keep us updated on the contest here (in this thread).
So you got on this forum just to ask guys to vote for you? Sad!
and enjoy the forum!