wilderness rack on the way...need lights!


New member
Wilderness rack is on the way..its time to set it up with two sets of lights. The question now is..what lights? I have a set of IPF lights and really like them..so i'm leaning that way..but somebody nudge me over!

Not a light expert, but more watts = better to me. But I suppose the question is... which one is brighter? Proof will be in the pudding.

I didn't help at all did I? Sorry.

Congrats on the rack though. Post pics soon.
What kind of wheelin do you do? It would be a real bummer to have a branch take out a $150 light! I say go cheap and bright. That way if it breaks you wont kick yourself in the tail when you replace it!
mostly woods like..branches everplace. I'd get them covers for them. the price differnce between the two daylighters is like 20 dollars pair..about 100 dollars the set. IPFs are spensive

Well, whatever you get, get it bright. I personally got the 150 Watt lights, and they are great! -al
personally, I wouldn't put anything on a wilderness rack, UNLESS you are wanting to spot-light the moon after the first tree branch, when they get pushed back.
I would go to napa and get a set of tractor lights, about $15 each (sold individually) very bright very durable, and if one should break, you can replace just one!

They look a lot like the factory fog lights on TJ's