Which GPS?

I went ahead and turned off the WAAS on mine

Do most of you just run some good alkiline batteries of do you run some good recharchable?

How did, or why did you start wheeling?

90Xjay said:
I went ahead and turned off the WAAS on mine

Do most of you just run some good alkiline batteries of do you run some good recharchable?

I run Ray-O-Vac in all my gadgets. I read in Consumer Reports that they last longer than any other battery, and are about half the price of Energizers or Durakills. I'll never use Durakills again, they've ruined more electronic gadgets and flashlights than I can remember. I get about 20 hours of life from a set of Ray-O-Vacs in my Legend.
Hey , you guys with Legends look really close at the multi funtion joystick type button above the display.
I noticed on my brand new unit what looked like a very small hair scratch or shallow crack on the left side of the button going to the side of the case.

It bugged me so I took it back to Circuit City and got the other one they had and before I left the store, I checked it and guess what, it looks the same

Me and the manager agreed that it could be just a manufaturing deal and it really is not a crack.
If you guys notice the same thing let me know.
You almost have to have it outside in natural light to see it.

Yeah, mine has that too, and so did my cousin's. Very weird. We thought that maybe it was a flaw in the mold when they made the cases, but I'd think by now they would have changed the molds....maybe not. It's never progressed into a crack or anything else, so I don't even worry about it.

RE: Dangerous

90Xjay said:
Hey , you guys with Legends look really close at the multi funtion joystick type button above the display.
I noticed on my brand new unit what looked like a very small hair scratch or shallow crack on the left side of the button going to the side of the case.

It bugged me so I took it back to Circuit City and got the other one they had and before I left the store, I checked it and guess what, it looks the same

Me and the manager agreed that it could be just a manufaturing deal and it really is not a crack.
If you guys notice the same thing let me know.
You almost have to have it outside in natural light to see it.


See!! I guess they make them better in China......my Meridian is perfect!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

JK, 90, of course. I wouldn't worry about it.........just enjoy what that thing'll do - they're great!!!

I use NIMH rechargeables in mine. I get 8 hours on a charge - and it is much cheaper than running alkalines. I keep a set of alkalines on hand a s a back up just in case the rechargeables go dead, but i usually have a 2nd set of rechargeables on hand also.


graewulf said:
On the WAAS isue.. i'm on the east coast and I can tell you that it helps a whole heck of alot. WAAS uses ground-based stations to transmit a correction signal to 2 additional satellites each in the atlantic & pacific. It corrects for atmospheric distortion of the signal. I have seen the accuracy go to as little as 3 feet with WAAS - the best I can get without it is 10 feet on a good day. I would definitely leave it on if you are near either coast

I have had the same results. Often getting accuracy down to 3 ft with WAAS turned on. I did notice it really slows the unit down though, so I normally do not use it unless I feel I need the pinpoint accuracy. Most of the time it is just telling me where the nearest gas station, burger joint, or GPS (good pooping station) is.

I use a Garmin etrex Venture with a dashboard attachment in the Jeep. I use 1 hour rechargeable NIMH AA batteries that last all day (most longer than 15 hours).

I use it as a speedometer and to map my trails by year in Delorme Topo USA 5.0 mapping software...

Great stuff!