Where has been Sully ?


New member
RE: can any body men out there lend some advice?

Sully's been way down south for christmas and new years. Argentina to be more specific. Flew out to Buenos Aires on the 17th and stayed till the 25th. While there for a few days I visited with some family and fun stuff like that. Bought some fireworks, some big one's! Man these things were sweet and cheap! U.S. dollars are worth 3x's as much as pesos! Anyways Buenos Aires was lots of fun and I cant wait to come back.

On the 25th hopped on a plain and headed further south to a little place called bariloche! Bariloche was so so cool. Mountains in the backround with a little bit of snow on top. Cool air but nice for shorts and a t-shirt. The lake was butt cold at about 50 degrees F. Got a little wake boarding in and of course some jeeping! Meant to rent a van cause I got a rather large family but they had none so they gave us a red jeep. Of course had to take it to the mountains at least once! So I did.









Took a little road that winded up the mountain. Nothing wild but it was narrow at some spots and got rutted out near the top. Got some nice pictures on the way up the mountain. Came to a spot where there was a 180 degree turn and the trail was hillside on the left and steep slope off to the right. Decided that I would turn around from here and just be happy I got so far. Turned around and got down the mountain. Saw a beach along the lake and just had to hit it up! There were a few little pools of water and my curiousity took over. "Just how deep is it? Lets find out!" Hit it along the edge the first time and I wanted something more. Entered the pool from the deep end too fast and the front end dropped and I saw watter coming over the hood. Reaction, punch it! Had the windows down and I got soaked. Water litterally poured in on me! It was sweet! headed on back to where my family was staying for the night and relaxed te rest of the time.





















Onto new years eve, my cousins had a party to close out 04'. The best new years yet! We had some champagne and lamb cooked over an open fire. The best meal of the trip by far! Music playing in the backround and everyone having a good time. 05' comes around and wahoo! Clear out the furniture and everyone starts dancing. Music cranked up and we all hung around for a few hours. I was pooped and settled into bed around 5.


The next few days I slept in and sat out in the sun enjoying the view and my vacation. Lazed around and ate tons of meat and has tons of fun in the process. But all things must come to an end sometime, so packed up my junk and got on a plain for home.

Wow, Sully... That looks like an incredible time... Sounds like you enjoyed it, good for you :)... Great pics...
Wow, how cool! I am soo jealous! Those pictures are amazing, and you even kept up with the jeeping. And that orange XJ with the bullhorns, WOW! LOL.

I'm glad you had a great time. I'm sure the experience is life altering. Cherish it!!

Great Pics Sully! Wish I could have been there!

EDIT: (edited all image questions to its own post)
Re: RE: Where has been Sully ?

SULLY: sorry to hi-jack your post...we'll tack this else where :|

I started a new post on this image thing



Those are some excellent pics! That's cool that you were able to get a Jeep for the trip. 8)

-Nick :!:
RE: images....

dude! since when do you have an XJ? you got one before me!!

Great pics by the way, dont see anything like that in jersey....
thats incredible sully, it was cool hearing about it from you the other day but those pictures are incredible! glad you had fun and its even cooler cuz you had a jeep down there


Great pics and story, as always.

Why do I have a feeling that one day I will open a new issue of "National Geographic" and find myself enjoying a story and pictures under your name?

You have talent beyond Jeeping.

Thank you for sharing your vacation.



Great pics Sully. Must have been great to see your relatives that live so far away.

Wheelin' a rental - that's beautiful :D

Nice flex pic :lol:
Looks like one heck of a trip. I love wheeling in a rental esspecially when you pay the $6.99 a day extra to cover EVERYTHING. When we rented the Wrangler the lady actual told me I could bring the jeep back totally trashed and its all covered. It wasnt trashed by anymeans when I returned it but I did outfit it with a new pinstripped suit.

RE: 4WD manual lock

What did the rental place say about the obvious over use of the Cherokee?

Looks like a killer place to offroad, you make me jealous.
That's awesome! Even if the rest of the vacation had sucked, it would have been worth it just to get those pictures.

Great pics, Sully. Thanx much for sharing. Reminds me of some of the roads around here, only with a bit more altitude. You'll remember that trip for the rest of your life, for sure. I'm jealous!