Where did you put your CB Antenna?


New member
I looked all over this forum and didnt see a place for this so i made one. :-)

Where did you put your CB antenna?

Mines right here in my spare tire mount.


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I put mine on the rear bumper, so it doesn't extend as high over the roof line. I consulted a guy who works with CBs for a living, and apparently, the best location for the antenna is going to vary between vehicles. Probably something to do with wave lengths, although I didn't get that technical with him. I assume that there's a meter of some sort that would help you to optimize your antenna placement.

Where you've mounted your antenna is probably the best spot. I'm an Electronics Technitian in the Navy specializing in communications. Everything from SatComs to hand held Motorola "walkie-talkies." Antenna location isn't really an issue for Citizen band (cb) when it comes to transmitting, but output power is. If you can hear people 5 miles away but they can't hear you, get an amplifier...problem solved. But when it comes to reception issues, there are alot of things that can kill your range. First is the Radio itself, how sensitive it is, but this is about antennas. Next is the lay of the land, which you have no control over. Last is where on your rig your antenna is. If it's too close to your engine, you will get electromagnetic interferance from all the whirly-gigs doing their thing under the hood. You will also get some interferance from the metal you're rig is made of, but the serious interferance comes from being too close to the ground. SO: The higher and farther away from your engine you mount your antenna the better, short of looking like a doush bag with an antenna mounted on your soft top, that is the best place you can mount your antenna...wow, I'm a freakin geek.
I don't have a CB antenna on my YJ.... yet. On a friend's YJ I installed the CB antenna on his spare tire stop that's attached to the corner of the body. It worked out well. Just marked the location of the bracket holes, drilled the holes into the tire stop, and installed the bracket. Took about 15 minutes.

I have a magnetic one that is placed on my rear bumber and runs underneath my carpet to my cb. now for a real question. where is your cb located in you cab? i just have my loose right near my e brake... i just got it last week i dont even know exactly how to use it still... its the squelch that confuses me.
You can think of Squelch as the sensitivity of your reciever. You'll notice that as you turn it down it will start to make a static sound. That sound is just Noise, or interferance, so you'll want to turn the squelch up untill just after that sound goes away. The higher your squelch, the shorter the range in which you hear people will be. If you are wheeling with some friends and you are all close by, you can turn the squelch way up and only be able to hear them, loud and clear. However, if you are trying to hear someone way far off, you will back off the squelch to try and pick them up. Best advice is just to go out and play with it, it's pretty simple to get the hang of. Good luck!
Oh, and as for mounting, I don't have a TJ, so I'm not sure how much extra space you have, but I'm mounting mine under the dash by the ash tray. I've seen CB's that have channel control on the Mic, if you have that, you could maybe mount the radio under your seat where it is out of sight of thieves. have fun.

I see alot mounted to the side of center console.i will be mounting mine inside the "glove box".Silly thing is to small to store anything,so I will be removing the compartment and only leaving the front cover and latch.Out of site out of thieves mind.Mine does have the channel control on the mic,that is a nice feature if you bounce around channels.The orv park i goto has a spefic channel to the office then every one bounces around to keep in touch with there group.So we end up changing channels alot.
I have a magnetic one that is placed on my rear bumber and runs underneath my carpet to my cb. now for a real question. where is your cb located in you cab? i just have my loose right near my e brake... i just got it last week i dont even know exactly how to use it still... its the squelch that confuses me.
Mines right cher'.........


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