Wheel bearings?


New member

hi guys, lately when I turn sharp it feels like my wheels are going to fall off, also shakes real bad in 4th and fifth gear. Is this caused by bad bearings? I checked the whole underneath and all seems cool. Also checked allignment cool also. Any suggestions? Also made sure all the lugs were tight.

edited by: monsterrd, Mar 04, 2003 - 02:07 AM[addsig]


normally when wheel bearings start to go they make a humming noise. You can check them by driving around 30 mph and swerve back and forth just enough to get some body roll. You'll usually only hear it coming from one side. The side with the pressure on them. Yours doesn't sound like wheel bearings to me though unless you just haven't noticed them.[addsig]

ot sure what kind of ride ya driving ,but if its a cj check the leaf spring u bolts. when they get loose its a hairy ride axle doesnt stay in position :-O [addsig]

I will check the u bolts, very crazy now, any kind of small turn, my wheels clunk,clunk . I'm running out of options, now shakes my teeth out in 4 and 5 gear also. Any one know a good jeep mechanic in belleville Illinois? Got to get it fixed before I %^&$ something else up. Bounty do you guys know any 1? 89 wrangler yj 2.5efi 5 speed :-? :-?

edited by: monsterrd, Mar 05, 2003 - 05:54 AM[addsig]


I can take a look at it for you if you can bring it down tomorrow, I'm about 30 minutes Southwest of you in Valmeyer.

There are a few club members that live in Belleville, right next door to each other, and they are always lending thier garages out for lift installs, and helping. They would probably take a look at it for you as well.

If it's the wheel bearings, they are about $115 to $125 per side. Not to bad to replace, worse on a Jeep as old as yours because everything will be good and seized.

Jack one tire up at a time and, while holding the tire at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock, shake it back and forth. If there's movement and no play in the tie-rods, then it's bad bearings. Check by also shaking when holding the tire at 6 and 12.[addsig]

A very easy way to check wheel bearings is to jack the axle up enought to clear the wheel. Grab the wheel on top and bottom and pull & push from top & bottom. If there is any play or movement, guess what? They need attention. They may have just come loose, and need to be retightned. On older axles with locking hub's, another indication that wheel bearings are loose, is the bolts that hold the locking hub to the wheel will continue to come loose. (5 bolt hubs)


Thanks bounty, I have to work all week, 11am-1130pm, I going to take care of it saturday on my day off,one way or another.[addsig]


They may have just come loose, and need to be retightned.

Wheel bearing assemblies, '87 and newer, are shot once there is play in the bearing. They are not able to be 'retightened'. They are an assembly, non-serviceable, not like older CJ D30 wheel bearings that are repackable.[addsig]