What's your worst Jeep wrenching injury?

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: A Whole Year Already?!?

Time for something different to talk about. After my gas tank mod yesterday, I'm definitely feeling the effects today. As I've said many times before, I'm not much of a mechanic, but I can do enough to get by usually.

Injury list:

19 minor cuts, scrapes and abrasions, each of which contributed to a minor decrease in overall blood volume;

3 pretty good sized bruises from slipping off the vent tube with the pliers, one on each ulna bone by the wrist, and one (embarassingly enough) in the center of my chest;

Sore arm, shoulder, leg, chest, stomach, back, and jaw muscles (from trying to hold my tongue just right, I'm sure);

After two showers, I'm still getting sand and dirt out of both ears;

All in all, some fair battle scars for a job well done. I'm sure there are some of you out there that have had much worse, simply a matter of statistics, really, since many of you do much, much more wrenching on your Jeeps than I do. Let's hear your stories!!

RE: question about lifts

The 3 days of aching after putting the BDS lift on my old YJ. Everything was rusted solid and I had no air or impact wrenches. It was one of the toughest workouts I'd ever had. It was soooooo worth it though.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: A Whole Year Already?!?

Haven't wrenched too much, but I did end up with a few bumps and bruises... Putting on the grille guard, yeah, that was nice, I'm merrily tugging like a mother on the bolt trying to get it to loosen, well all of a sudden, it does, WHAM goes my elbow into the axle... Then the rear reciever, I'm down on the ground pulling on the wrench for all it's worth, when the bolt breaks off, sending me flying ass over teakettle to crack the back of my head on the wood chipper... Owie. Tugging on a wrench, bolt loosens, scrapes arm vigourously over the sharp part of the bumper... ANd let's not forget the metal pokey thing that I have holding a part out of the way that decides to fall, after sitting up there incident free, for a good 15 minutes, right on my right eyebrow... Still a little swollen...

Nothing major at all, just a few bumps and bruises to show for the work I did. I'm sure they'll get more involved as I wrench on it more.
LOL, that's quite an injury list. I always seem to have at least a few scrapes and scratches after some wrenching but usually not that extensive. :shock: And do I remember correctly that the mod only took about 15 minutes? What is that injury per minute ratio?

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: A Whole Year Already?!?

Bloody knuckles is most common for me. Droped a few wreches when working under the jeep, most times in the chest but I did get a good one in the face.
I got grease under my fingernails when I swapped out mudwoman's oil pressure sensor - does that count? :lol: I did almost get a hernia carrying my winch out to install it (100# +or-). I generally bust up my knuckles and other appendages pretty good when I do anything physical...I'll keep you posted, I'm sure there's lots to come.
RE: Belt Replacement

South, it took me about 45 minutes, so that's roughly 1 injury every two or three minutes, I suppose!

Ain't it part of Murphy's law that when that wrench does slip, your elbow/knuckle/arm/head will automatically find the part of the Jeep that will do the most damage?

Hey, mud? I don't think grease under the nails counts, unless you got a hangnail when you tried to clean them. :lol: Heck, I can even draw blood checking the oil most of the time! :oops:

RE: Re: Sure do miss you all!

Well I always get cuts and all that good stuff. Seems like anything I do aroung a vehicle I somehow manage to be all bloody.

My worst ever was putting a 4" lift on a friend's Ford pickup. I was underneith, taking off the brckets that hold on the radius arms. I had a roughly 20" long socket wrench (Craftsman) that I was using to take the old rusty bolts off with. Anyways, they were on VERY tight and I was in an okward (sp?) position and the wrench slipped...somehow smacking me in that same arm.

It was killing me the rest of the day, and for about a week after that. So, I went and had it ex-rayed. Turned out I somehow managed to fracture the bone in my arm, up by my wrist.

Bet no one else has one that's that odd!! I still can't figure that one out...but my arm still hurts to prove it!!
RE: Chevy versus Moose

88Wrangles said:
............. So, I went and had it ex-rayed. Turned out I somehow managed to fracture the bone in my arm, up by my wrist.

That's going to be tough to beat! :lol:
RE: Re: RE: Stuck in the Rio Grande

That's as bad as me breaking 3 ribs chopping firewood.....I won't tell ya what I did, cause I don't wanna hijack my own thread! Gadzooks, a broken arm seems to be leading the pack......

I dont know if you are looking for oddest or most painful, so I'll put two, LOL.

I was 10 the first time I used a highlift on my dad's checker cab, trying to change a tire. dang thing slipped and you guessed it, it went to town jacking itself back down. while holding on for my life, (dont know why i didnt let go) it threw me up and as i came down the handle cracked me in the mouth knocking out my front tooth. dad drove me to the v.a. hospital after he yanked the tooth out of my head, it was hanging on by its root.
the doc says I can glue it back in. which he did the kids at school called me plastic man. some of you might remember that cartoon. that same tooth, althougth discolored is still in my head.

nothing is more painful then knocking your knuckles in the cold! Im sure we all know this.
Oooh, I forgot a good one, hot metal shavings on the face when I had to drill out and tap my driver's side rear upper shock mount on the XJ (bolt sheared off when removing the stock shocks). That hurt.
We dropped a transmission out of a 3/4 ton chevy in a friends back yard. He got the transmission rebuilt and we tried to put it back in with a screw jack with a plate welded to the top. Since the truck was on a hill that didn't work very well. After about 20 times of putting the transmission back on teh jack and watching it slide off, I just got under it and bunch pressed it up into the transmission tunnel. He couldn't get a bolt started so I had to let it back down. Then he says "put it back up there again". It took me about 10 tries to get it back up enought lock my elbows out so I could hold it up there. He got a bolt started and wanted me to do the same with the transfer case. The tcase was a LOT heavier and I was already worn out, and I ended up dropping it on my chest and rolling it off to one side......right on top of my buddies forarm. It tore him up pretty good. He couldn't use it for a couple of weeks. He ended up towing the truck to a shop. We were 15-16 at the time. Good times.

I got a bad one. Didnt happen to me but my dad was prying something with a screw driver. He was holding the bracket in his hand trying to pry something off it and the screw driver slipped off the bracket and went into his finger! We had so much blood in the garage and luckily I had my camera. I will try and find the pics from it.
My dad was a diesel mechanic, and by the time he died, he must've had an extra 20 lbs of steel in his body from shards that would break off of punches, presses, parts, etc. There was one in his index finger about the size of a peanut, a piece of brass, actually, that you could see through the skin.

He also nearly killed a co-worker when he dropped a 3 1/2" hex wrench (probably a good 5 lbs) from the top of a grain bin on a combine down onto his head, nearly 20 feet.

I've had hot metal shavings drop in my ear before when I put the brush guard on the old Toy with a friend.
Man, this CJ project has me all torn up. I have an office job and I have gotten alot of weird looks and questions from people because my hands and forearms are so scratched up and perpetually filthy from all the teardown activity. I try to clean up, but you can never get it all. I have the typical busted knuckles and scratches, but also few small burns from touching hot metal after welding and a nice pink angle grinder scar from when the handle broke (cheapo plastic model) and slipped a little. I have entertained myself with stupid answers when people ask. "What happened?" "Knife fight."

Broke my nose replacing the starter. I was lying under it and started the top bolt for the starter about a thread or two (or so I thought). I was looking around under the jeep for the other bolt when the starter fell off and landed on my nose. Got mad and punched the underside of the jeep and ripped the skin off my knuckles...man did that hurt!
There was a little old lady in church Sunday staring at my scrapes and scratches. I wanted to tell her a rich story too, but I doubt Sunshine would have let me!

Ok, so far we've got a broken arm running first, and a broken nose running second.......
I was putting the finishing touches on an engine rebuild and I was pointing to show my buddy something and got a litttle too close to the razor sharp flex fan I just put on. The engine was off but that sucker cut right through my flesh all the way to the bone. Pretty freaking nasty.

Craig said:
Broke my nose replacing the starter. I was lying under it and started the top bolt for the starter about a thread or two (or so I thought). I was looking around under the jeep for the other bolt when the starter fell off and landed on my nose. Got mad and punched the underside of the jeep and ripped the skin off my knuckles...man did that hurt!

Ha....sorry to laugh but the starter on my cutlass was a B#$(% to get in and I have been that situation a couple of times. Most of the time I caught it but I have had one or two graze the old noodle. I hate starters.