What's wrong with owning a TJ?

So, the only reason we can find that makes a YJ or CJ better than a TJ is Money?? Well, I guess TJ's win as the All around Jeep. ;) Now if we could all make in the 6 digits CJ's and YJs would go the way of the DoDo.
warn rocker guards

A TJ is a real jeep!So is a YJ,CJ,WJ,XJ,and all the other J's with out independant front suspension

Hey I consider my KJ a Jeep even though it has IFS. I mean my TJ is way better but like you said a Jeep is a Jeep
Just want to say that not everyone who owns a TJ had to pay $15-25K for it. I got my 97 at just less then 8K. Really, its whatever works for you. With me, it had to be a newer jeep. My parents were paying for it so i could have something that they thought would be dependable for college. Now you convince my parents that an early 80's anything is dependle enough. Im not saying that there arent some out there, but what i am saying is you wont convince my parents of that :)

So whats the best jeep? the one whos owner loves it and takes it out to play :) the bad jeep? the one thats neglected and abused and never gets dirty


Seat covers...


Please e-mail me some pics of your Jeep. I am not getting into this TJ/CJ/YJ battle, but I am trying to decide on a lift and am cosidering the option that you have (2.5 suspension and 1.0 body).


What is the best Jeep? Well I have the answer.
And believe it or not it is a simple thing to prove.
Just get up and open your front door and look at what is in your drive way.

Your Jeep.

Yes that is the best one.. because you own it, drive it and take care of it.
Darn all, I just spent fifteen forevers reading this thread. I second everything UTAH said. I find his opinion very level headed and sane. LOL Not that the rest of you aren't sane, but good god you are worked up over this stuff.

A jeep is a jeep is a jeep. As far as I am concerned, Everyone has thier own personal reasons for why they have the jeep they have and why they like or dislike it along with others. That is opinion though and thank god opinions don't make the world go around.

As far as my story, I have a TJ and personally, if anyone cares to know I am an honest person and I will tell you I bought it after carefull consideration of older CJ7's and 8's for two years. I could not find a Jeep in my price range (cash) that wasn't rusted out or needing tons of work which I for several reasons; wouldn't be able to do.

I am not looking to climb mount everest or to have a luxury vehicle. I find my TJ fits me right in the middle of the road. It lets me get offroad and tear up some mud or climb a rock or two and it lets me have a/c, heat and heck even cup holders. All this I get with a car payment, yes but since when have I been without one since age 17? I work two jobs and I can afford it, and yes its a preference. The car payment for me is gladly exchanged for a warranty and a brand new jeep that I can be the first owner of and care for like I want it cared for and mod it like I want it modded.

Daily I am learning more about my Jeep and other Jeeps and someday you watch and see if I don't have that CJ7 or 8 <sigh> in my driveway along with my TJ and maybe even my comfortable car. I don't ever plan to give up Jeeps now that I have one. I had wanted one since 16 yrs old and It is something I am not willing to give up now or ever. Everyone should feel t hat way about thier jeep and feel that as stated above in this post, IF you have a JEEP sticker on your JEEP be proud of the history of ALL Jeeps, they are all in the same family and deserve that.

Take care all and JEEP ON!

THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT's AAAAAAAAAAAALL fine and dandy. But Utah and Lady, That is obviously the correct answer but WAY too politically correct for this thread. Now get a little more testy or we will have to ban you from this thread. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok you 2, This was not a heated Disscution. This wasn't even an Arguement. This is something that Baked and I do every few days ;) we both have valid points and would prolly both gladly drive any Jeep that was given to us. But, we enjoy hasselling each other while at work. Don't try to rid us of our little happy time at work by trying to be the "Fixer" :D

And thank god, I had nothing going on yesterday at work. :D

Now back to the subject at hand.

Your mother was a Hamster!! YOur Faaaather smelt of elderberries.
Noooooooow Go Away or I SHALL taunt you a secoooond TIMe!!!! 8)
**aaaaahhh Your mother rides a vacume cleaner!!!**

Pull the Other one!! happens to be one of my favorite line from "Search for the Holy Grail"

Castle Guard: Halt, Who goes there!

Author: It is I, Author, King if the Britons!

Castle guard: Pull the Other one.

Author: I AM!! I have riden many days seeking knights to join me at my court in Camelot.

Castle guard: What, riden on a horse??

Author: I have.

Castle guard: You're using Coconuts!

Author: What??

Castle guard: You have 2 halves of Coconuts and you're clopping them together!!

Ok lemme stop LOL don't need to show EXACTLY how much of a geek I REALLY am.

LOL You two are freaks! lol


Haven't talked to ya on IM in ages, see we have both done some stuff to our Jeeps. Shoot me an IM sometime, I never know if you on or away!

Now what is suppose to happen??

Sir Gallahad, Sir lancellot, and I will wait till sundown and jump out and take them by surprise!!!


Sir Gallahad, Sirrrrrr lancccccc.....................uh???

"Perhaps if we built a LARGE WOODEN BADGER????"

Now if that bunny had leafs none of that would have happened. :? :wink: