What I've been dealing with at work this week....

Here's a couple of before and after pictures of what we in the irrigation business lovingly refer to as "grass pimples". They are caused by broken irrigation lines, which traps water underneath the sod. We call them grass pimples because they swell up and when you stick a shovel into them, they pop like a giant zit, spewing mud and water everywhere!!! This particular job gave me fits all week, with 6 leaks in a 25 foot area (four of them were grass pimples). Seems the homeowner next to this common area installed a new system, and in the process cut through the common area lines in several places.





This particular pimple was about a foot tall and 3 or 4 feet around. The one I found today was 18" tall and about 6 feet around! It was pretty cool, except for the part about having to dig them up. The lines were anywhere from 1 to 3 feet deep, and the temps today were 106 degrees with 60% humidity and very little breeze.

Sheesh, i've been away from grass so long, I'd forgotten what a pain in the arse it is.
mingez said:
Sheesh, i've been away from grass so long, I'd forgotten what a pain in the arse it is.

Yeah, gotta agree, Mingez. Here's a view out my front "yard" :


And there's very little grass underneath. My "lawnmower" is a Husky weedeater and our irrigation is this "3 days short of a rainforest" RAIN!!! But Sparky, I sure would like to dig into one of those sprinkler zits!!!!! I love the mud!
You should sprinkle some Oxy or Clearsil on those lawn pimples. Might save you a lot of time in the heat and humidity. :)

Are those thing just full of water? Could you stab the end of a hose into the side of it and then use a small irrigation pump to suck it out? I doubt that would be any advantage though(if it even worked) since you still have to tear it up to access the broken line.....
Hi-Ya, Sparky,

Not on topic, but I wanted to say that the great pics you have posted of Kansas destroyed one of my cherished ideas.

Somehow, I have always had the idea that Kansas is a flat, desolate, sand-box. Obviously, not so -- at least not the region in which you live.

Maybe I watched too many "cowboys on a cattle drive" movies when young.

In any case, I do enjoy the pictures that you post.


Jeep Buckaroo, Gadget